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  1. Baby-5

    pakistani girl warning modi and india

    Pathan or Rajput or Hindu or Muslims. they are murdering innocense of child with such pride. Hatts off to their cruelity as well as on your endorsement...
  2. Baby-5

    India backs off after frenzied war rhetoric

    I dont think India gave any war threats officially. I seems you are guys are too scared of our news channels. so. very Nostalgic post.
  3. Baby-5

    pakistani girl warning modi and india

    Chooooooo Chweeeeeeet
  4. Baby-5

    Serious threat of Indian Surgical Strikes. Sources from PM House - Saleh Zafar

    So sending terrorists in India is not an act of crime, but killing them is human right violation, and surgical strikes on their camps is act of war... nice logic sir jee And you want proof, isn't a simple logic is enough that JuD Chief Hafeez saab Saed is a renowned terrorist in eyes of UN is a...
  5. Baby-5

    Indian Defence Expert blasted India

    We are aggressors only after 1989??? Sounds fishy. cause before that, Kashmir valley was never in turmoil like that since 1948... So this only suggests that Kashmiri separatists, Pakistani Army and ISI is paying those unfortunate subjects the money...
  6. Baby-5

    Serious threat of Indian Surgical Strikes. Sources from PM House - Saleh Zafar

    So you wont blame your country's army and policy to differentiate good and bad terrorists, despite knowing that they harbour good terrorists in India, But if our media castigates that maneuver you go gaga over that... If not hypocricy, what else??? Secondly, No Indian media said about...
  7. Baby-5

    non-professionals are not the problem, the problem is the lack of will of mods to curb those...

    non-professionals are not the problem, the problem is the lack of will of mods to curb those...
  8. Baby-5

    Serious threat of Indian Surgical Strikes. Sources from PM House - Saleh Zafar

    your comment proves your desperation for another war... dusra hota to previous experience se samajh gaya hota, lekin aap... and About Afghaniastan.. well it seems you have forgotten that it is pakistan responsible for current situation of pakistan... And lastly, india is Reluctant to go to war...
  9. Baby-5

    Indian Defence Expert blasted India

    Sir after what your army did in Bangladesh, you should not talk about humanity any more and about "those FEW kashmiris", everybody knows they were being paid by you guys for pelting and hurling stones... if you wish their well being you should stop radicalising them... BTW you heard about the...
  10. Baby-5

    Indian Defence Expert blasted India

    history is witness that We are not the aggressors... So, if you wanna show your gutts, you will have to break the ice, we promise we will not dissappoint you... Welcome... Your forefathers!!!! i have humiliated many for this... not anymore... its not your fault kid... But your forefathers are...
  11. Baby-5

    Indian Defence Expert blasted India

    LOL your last line... whatever you do, at least dont surrender like those "good old days" he is worried about china NOT pakistan.... and after chinese press release which no where mentions kashmir issue, the "higher than mountain, deeper ocean & sweeter than honey" friendship is of no use after...
  12. Baby-5

    Narendra Modi may trigger war with Pakistan to hide failures: Mayawati

    What!!! you seriously think he don't know that Indians are better in everything... you seriously think that he cares about dalits or poor of India??? its just that He is on special propaganda. The whole PDF has converted into an Adda of Propaganda... i miss the old PDF...
  13. Baby-5

    Indian Defence Expert blasted India

    Kuchh bhi????? you guys are much scared than I thought you would...
  14. Baby-5

    Narendra Modi may trigger war with Pakistan to hide failures: Mayawati

    Really, which was the last year you checked general knowledge?? Aryan invasion theory is refuted. Arya in vedas means nobel person and not race. for instance, Vidur and karna in mahabharatha were low caste people but were reffered "Arya" several times. Secondly, I am telling you this last time...
  15. Baby-5

    Serious threat of Indian Surgical Strikes. Sources from PM House - Saleh Zafar

    yes, India cares about her economy, soldiers ; BUT not on the cost of her honour; No direct war is gonna happen, but you think Pakistan is spared??? well not that easily.. As the famous Bollywood song lyrics goes - "Apni to jaise taise kat jayegi, Aapka kya hoga Janaabe-Ali"
  16. Baby-5

    Narendra Modi may trigger war with Pakistan to hide failures: Mayawati

    first, Name one hindu president of Pakistan.... Do you even know, most of the army generals are Sikh and not upper caste... Unlike YOU, O member of Martial race, we believe in equality... we take merit and not caste as eligibility... though we provide supports and reservations.. I know you...
  17. Baby-5

    After Indian Aggression Pakistan Also Prepares to Reply Robustly

    WTF I read!!!! people are talking about annihilating 1000 million people... Its fun reading...
  18. Baby-5

    Serious threat of Indian Surgical Strikes. Sources from PM House - Saleh Zafar

    Relax fellas, no "direct" war is gonna happen; if it does it will be limited to surgical strikes. Since Pakistan is trying to eradicate terrorism, she should allow India for surgical attacks. If America can, why cant india?
  19. Baby-5

    Narendra Modi may trigger war with Pakistan to hide failures: Mayawati

    "Modi bhakt" is better than supporting terrorists on international forums... further "Bhakt" and jihad are not synonyms. About castism, in India it only exists in reservation forms; supremacy in the name of caste and creed is unconstitutional in India. unlike your country where only you are...
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