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    Top 10 Cricketers of All Time

    to me he is better then richard hadlee or mcgrath
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    Top 10 Cricketers of All Time

    hey but people are still missing out another great aussie the great Dennis Lillie ,even hadlee emulated him
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    Is every Bangla-speaking poor Muslim in India Bangladeshi migrant?

    and people are coming to terms with the reality and hence forth even the red bastion is crumbling under its impact
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    Is every Bangla-speaking poor Muslim in India Bangladeshi migrant?

    yep as you can see because of such of approach whats happening here, take a look at the development index of these states as compared to those governed by bjp , and those not facing that kind of problem .... at the time of election these political party put it on the back burner and the states...
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    Is every Bangla-speaking poor Muslim in India Bangladeshi migrant?

    yep and no, atleast bjp took a serious note of the problem which others tried to turn blind eye to, though there approach was a bit flawed yet it was truly rationale ....these is not a problem only for bjp as such, but of the nation as a whole henceforth all political parties irrespective of...
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    Is every Bangla-speaking poor Muslim in India Bangladeshi migrant?

    simple just to name you a few in bengal its cpi(m), in assam its congress ...i know of these 2 with certainty
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    Is every Bangla-speaking poor Muslim in India Bangladeshi migrant?

    nothing but a few petty minded politician who look only in terms of vote bank politics (gosh we certainly need some one like INDIRA GANDHI)...and a few smugglers on the other sides who cry hoarse when ever the indian govt tries to take step in that direction..
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    Is every Bangla-speaking poor Muslim in India Bangladeshi migrant?

    me totally in sync with you on these things once these people are found that they are not Indian national (proven in the fast track courts ) needs to be thrown out to what ever country they are coming from and let those country have a headache of there own on how to deal of it.. parasites like...
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    Is every Bangla-speaking poor Muslim in India Bangladeshi migrant?

    brother the word "kick" is just a metaphor a figure of speech for these parasites for somthing even better then kick these people migrated even before the concept of international boundary foriegn relationship, citizenship came into being.. yep the law of the land pervails over him and he...
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    India’s tense ties with China

    The sacking of VS Achuthanandan from the CPM politburo yesterday wasn’t the first time the octogenarian chief minister of Kerala had been punished by his party for indiscipline. Nor was it the first time that the veteran comrade had decided to stand his ground in the face of opposition...
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    Is every Bangla-speaking poor Muslim in India Bangladeshi migrant?

    leon which part of the post you didnt understand he means that those person who are living in bangladesh (or the matter of fact india ) without valid documents should be thrown out ....even those overstaying the stipulated period .... one who wants to visit his ancestral place is free to...
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    Should IAF be used against Naxals ?

    i am totally against the use of iaf's role in a kind of a retaliatory approach ....its use in gathering information like for reconnaissance using its uav's for locating movements inside the rugged terrain where para military forces take time to reach can be great
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    Is every Bangla-speaking poor Muslim in India Bangladeshi migrant?

    why not ::::: its fine unless i am moving to that country illegally:rofl:
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    Is every Bangla-speaking poor Muslim in India Bangladeshi migrant?

    who require free blood when these bds are there
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    Is every Bangla-speaking poor Muslim in India Bangladeshi migrant?

    sorry for you information buddy i am a software professional working in an indian mnc quite unlike these bd labourers
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    Is every Bangla-speaking poor Muslim in India Bangladeshi migrant?

    i told you you are free to differ from me and for the matter of fact we were zamindar untill zamindari law was abolished from india:bunny:
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    Is every Bangla-speaking poor Muslim in India Bangladeshi migrant?

    20,000..... 40,000 or for the matter 4 lakhs be the no. of person found to be living illegally in one country needs to be thrown out of the country with there *** whipped so that they dare not return to the country illegally be it for india or for the matter bangladesh
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    Is every Bangla-speaking poor Muslim in India Bangladeshi migrant?

    i live in bengal and i am totally aware of the fact of how many of them live in india....while my house was constructed in kolkata many of the constructional labourers working there were bd ("bd members are free to differ from me ") a large chunk of these illegal bd also reside in...
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    Is every Bangla-speaking poor Muslim in India Bangladeshi migrant?

    the illegal bd living in india should be kicked out or in a reformed term be extradited out of india.....what the harm in it.....dont find any reason for the hoopla sorrounding it
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    Bangladesh Military prepares for a WAR against Myanmar

    can you give me link of that fella you gave you that pious information ...SIR WELL TO make it clear to beef is available in almost every part of the country sorry to add a personal touch my gf she is a muslim living in ranchi have beefs there..(yestarday only she had it in for iftar)
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