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  1. Haystack

    Ajmer Dargah chief Syed Zainul Abedin backs Indian government on the abrogation of Article 370

    When the time comes, remember their names. They'll hide behind religion, but don't show them any mercy. Eleminate them like the rest.
  2. Haystack

    Defence Day Celebrations 2019

    Rehearsals for 6th September. Calm down.
  3. Haystack

    North Indian father 'joins his friends to gang rape his daughter'

    Not India. But North India, in particular.
  4. Haystack

    The fake verse "Pull out your swords and slay anyone that says Pashtun and Afghan are not one!....

    Really? I’m from Karak, and never heard about this quote. But then again, I myself never read much Khushal Khan anyway.
  5. Haystack

    The fake verse "Pull out your swords and slay anyone that says Pashtun and Afghan are not one!....

    Choose better words. There are a lot of ‘tribal barbarians’ who have done more for Pakistani society than you.
  6. Haystack

    The fake verse "Pull out your swords and slay anyone that says Pashtun and Afghan are not one!....

    I’m a Khattak myself, and my dad is an avid reader of Khushal Khan Khattak. Just asked him about this- said he has never even heard it lol.
  7. Haystack

    What is your favourite perfume?

    My all time favourite is Bleu De Chanel.
  8. Haystack

    Heroes of Pakistan

    Sorry I can't figure out how to post one. Let me work with this thing around. I C Thought I'll add my cousin here. I was 4 when he passed away. But my mother tell me how he used to say he wants me in Air Force and tells me stuff like never compromise on two things; your family and your...
  9. Haystack

    Heroes of Pakistan

    I know that's what I meant.
  10. Haystack

    Heroes of Pakistan

    Fauj only knows two religions and sects. Shaheed and Ghazi.
  11. Haystack

    University confusion

    Hi all, I really hope this is proper forum for this, if not- please Mods do what's necessary. I have just cleared my A level, and applied to several universities in Pakistan. Now the thing is that I'm a BIG enthusiast of armour. It's my dream to work in HIT. My dream degree is Mechanical...
  12. Haystack

    Adityanath says Hindu Muslim cultures can never coexist, co-speaker asks for raping of Muslim women

    Thank you, Quaid (RA). I feel bad for my Muslim brothers and sisters trapped in sick, fascist, Hindu regime of Hindustan. I hope they soon get Azadi as well. Muslims, Christians, and Sikhs just can't coexist with Hindus. Sole purpose of making Pakistan was to protect other minorities from...
  13. Haystack

    Pakistan Army has fired 150 missiles inside Afghanistan: Tolo News

    Anyway staying on topic; in my humble opinion this is just wastage of ammunition. We need to strike deep and clean, and make a bufferzone once and for all.
  14. Haystack

    Pakistan Army has fired 150 missiles inside Afghanistan: Tolo News

    Whatever we say man, but we'll have to give it do Modi, he has made complete fool of 1.3 billion people. However this is also a blessing in disguise for us, the more delusional the Indians- the better. So I'll just say this: the strikes were very deadly we lost 500+ jihadis, thanks to your 20...
  15. Haystack

    Iran unveils Saba-248 helicopter

    Looks amazing. The sanctions on Iran have been a blessing in disguise. Iran is reaching new heights every single day. To be powerful a country needs to be self sufficient, and Iran is doing pretty well in that endeavor. Good luck, brothers.
  16. Haystack

    Every Muslim brother has a Sikh sister!This Pakistani man’s message to Gurmehar Kaur is going viral

    I didn't know that showing support to a woman across the border who is being threatened with rape, is called taking advantage.
  17. Haystack

    Block JuD/JeM finances in 90 days or face action:international Financial Action Task Force to Pak

    Hahaha lmao. Is this the new lollipop modi sarkar gave you after he messed up your cash? Anywho, our doors are open if you want cash from our ATMs or food for yourself or maybe a little taste of gao maata. But please clean yourself before coming, we can't bear the smell of cow piss.
  18. Haystack

    Block JuD/JeM finances in 90 days or face action:international Financial Action Task Force to Pak

    To what? Abbu of Hindustan? No thank you, Pakistan itself means Abbu of Hindustan.
  19. Haystack

    Kanpur train accident was a conspiracy from across the border: PM Modi in UP

    I don't know about you, but I'll be very nervous when 1.3b people are being marched to their inevitable doom on the hands of a mad man who happens to be extremely dumb, full of hatred, and sadistic. Specially when that nation shares a 3000 km border with mine.
  20. Haystack

    bengalis-manhandled -a-Pakistani-on-mother-language-day

    I actually feel bad about Bengalis. I met a lot of them back in Saudi Arabia; they're filled with inferiority complex and insecurities. Let's just pray for them.
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