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  1. Arsalan 345

    ban from thread and warnings for speaking truth

    great achievement but still not a hero. it's just sports. have you seen artillery rounds near loc? fighting against bigger enemy is heroic. feeding poor is heroic. stay away from corruption is heroic. trying to convince people for right things is also heroic. they will never unban me from...
  2. Arsalan 345

    Instead of Delhi, should have fixed nails in Ladakh to stop China: Asaduddin Owaisi

    owaisi traitor hahaha. no matter what he calls china, he will fight alongside with indian army. i know muslims of india. they are traitors. bjp should do something to fix muslims of india. they made fun of us after partition but now they are paying the price.
  3. Arsalan 345

    ban from thread and warnings for speaking truth

    i don't care about videos. you watch it again and give him highest medal. after 3 months, select another hero. this is unstoppable cycle. you guys are out of your minds. who is next? let's start a poll for next pakistan hero. what a pity.
  4. Arsalan 345

    ban from thread and warnings for speaking truth

    please don't relate this climbing moutain to other sports. it may be a sport but in general, no country calls someone a hero before declaring him dead or missing. he is hero because he was promoting our country. hahaha are you serious? people dying on roads. people feed poor on roads. they are...
  5. Arsalan 345

    ban from thread and warnings for speaking truth

    looks like they don't like me. i don't know where i search for my next national hero? must be from film industry. these guys made this country a joke. i agree with you but why calling them national hero? i mean soldiers died during waziristan operation. many died in balochistan. is this climber...
  6. Arsalan 345

    ban from thread and warnings for speaking truth

    somebody who likes to climb mountains are our heroes. lol what about those who are defending borders? what about people who are sleeping on roads? who are poor? a country who make irrelevant people hero never rises. this guy krash has made them hero. i don't see any nishan e haider for them. i...
  7. Arsalan 345

    Xi Jinping asks PLA to be battle ready as India-China border tension simmers

    let's start hammering indians on both sides. last time in 62, indian 7th regiment surrendered. this time china will create history.
  8. Arsalan 345

    ban from thread and warnings for speaking truth

    i haven't violated any rule. people have made these climbers hero in their own imagination. this guy krash ban me from thread of climber discussion and i received warning also. this is not justified at all. pathetic krash where are you? you replied to my comments after you ban me so that i can't...
  9. Arsalan 345

    Imam on trial on terrorism for criticizing Macron and racist french doctors

    i don't support french hate towards muslims but i also don't support any imam. i mean check him. he may be a terrorist. check if he is from arab. arab imams are mostly terrorists.
  10. Arsalan 345

    Iran frees 2 soldiers kidnapped in Pakistan

    so?? it doesn't give you permission to behave like indians. recently suleymani was killed by american drone, flying freely. do you remember?
  11. Arsalan 345

    Iran frees 2 soldiers kidnapped in Pakistan

    it's useless to convince irani members here. they are behaving like indians, feeling the same thing but unfortunately all is based on fake story, just like fake indian stories. remember iran is the same country whose highest army officer was butchered openly by americans. his body pieces was so...
  12. Arsalan 345

    Iran frees 2 soldiers kidnapped in Pakistan

    make more stories. nobody believes you and your army. a country whose nuclear scientist and army officer was butchered should talk in a sensible way. you have absoluetely no evidence of your imaginary covert operation. pakistan is not saudia arabia where you influence yourself through proxies...
  13. Arsalan 345

    Iran frees 2 soldiers kidnapped in Pakistan

    They exchanged. no such operation took place. let iranians celebrate it. this is the same country whose highest ranking army officer was butchered. you heard all the revenge drama but these people doesn't have the courage. they only use proxy. they hire youth. remember how israel easily killed...
  14. Arsalan 345

    CPEC - stalled and lost momentum?

    it's already stalled. basically finished. there is so much corruption. nobody wants to invest in pakistan. as i said earlier, civil war is reality. this government is so terrible that you can't even imagine. ministers are only making money.
  15. Arsalan 345

    Pink Floyd calls Modi racist and facist and recites poem written by indian muslim

    is he talking about terrorist modi? hahaha good job pink floyd.
  16. Arsalan 345

    Most-wanted terrorist named in Red Book arrested in Karachi

    i can't believe that we are arresting people whose sympathizers are sitting in parliament. great job but arrest doesn't mean anything. they will get bail easily. there is a whole network. cancel dual visas. either become irani or pakistani. there is risk attached to everything. this brigade has...
  17. Arsalan 345

    India releases poisonous water in Sutlej River

    pakistan and China should find a way to fix india permanently. delay in plans is not an option. china should activate whole lac. india only learns when someone beat indian army.
  18. Arsalan 345

    South African cricket Series in Pakistan

    this guy usman qadir will not get any chance despite selection. anyway you can see all parchi in the team. these parchi players are there from a very long time. hasan ali....hahaha what a joke! faheem ashraf, hassan ali, hussain talat, asif ali, khushdil shah lol parchi system. waqar is an evil...
  19. Arsalan 345

    IAF Mirage-2000 Another One That Got Away !

    you are living in history. reality is bitter.
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