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    Israel’s Post-American Future

    Israel’s Post-American Future By Leon T. Hadar “We cannot exist alone.” That is Israel’s national security axiom acknowledged by President Shimon Peres during an address in Jerusalem in November. “For our existence we need the friendship of the United States of...
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    October 1976 - "Thermidor" Greets The People's Republic

    Today is the 34th anniversary of 怀仁堂事变. It's possible that the modern Chinese term "事变" originated from Japanese Kanji "事変", which means an "alteration" or simply an incident that led to change. It implies an abrupt or abnormal...
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    “Hold Me Back!” - by Uri Avnery

    Truth or ruse, or a bit of both? :what: At least I am finding a measure of sincerity and a healthy dose of objectivity here. :tup: _____________________________________________ “HOLD ME back!” is a part of Israeli folklore. It reminds us of our childhood. When a boy has a scuffle...
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    US's dalliance in Beijing is short-lived

    US's dalliance in Beijing is short-lived By M K Bhadrakumar Discourse between India and Pakistan can be deceptive - like when cats hiss. You can never quite tell dalliance from discord. The fact remains that at different levels, despite their occasional shrill rhetoric, contacts have been going...
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    "Islamists", "Christianists", and "Jacobinists"

    I wanted to post this a while ago but frankly, have let it slip my mind. All thoughtful comments are appreciated. And I apologize for it being quite long (I quoted about 3/4 of the original). Every Man a God-King The danger of popular sovereignty By Daniel McCarthy The liberal blogosphere...

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