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  1. F

    Delegation from the UAE and Bahrain visited the western wall to celebrate hanukkah

    As I said, my disdain for Gulf monarchies is completely separate from Israel. So no shit, they should put their self interest ahead. I welcome it because it allows more people to turn against them as well, because me ranting and explaining my problems with them certainly won't do that.
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    Delegation from the UAE and Bahrain visited the western wall to celebrate hanukkah

    Don't give a shit about either. My disdain for the Gulf monarchies is completely separate from Israel. So i'm delighted they are partnering with Israel because it allows some of the rest of the masses to wake up. They've been working in tandem with Israel for decades behind closed doors. Spent...
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    UAE seeking to purchase Israel's Iron Dome missile system: Report

    All you need is a few missiles to hit the desalination plants. UAE can spend trillions but it won't save them. Iron Dome had a 85% success rate against bottle rockets from Gaza.
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    Egypt, Italy strike major military deal despite Regeni case

    Isn't Italy trying to do business in Azerbaijan too? As long as they don't jump into the Eastern Mediterranean gas club like UAE and France have and vote to ease anti-Turkey sanctions in the EU then I assume they would be seen as neutral.
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    Bangladesh-India border dispute resolution uncertain: India now seeks to change demarcation principle for River Muhuri

    Does it even matter where the line is? These Hindutvas shoot at will whomever they want. If they see someone grazing their cows, they have a stroke.
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    Turkish President seen $2 billion trade potential with Bangladesh

    That's because most Muslims nowadays are following Athariya, Salafi Revisionism or Extreme Zahiriya, or some combination thereof. Most people are not Orthodox Sunni Muslims. Most people don't even know what Orthodox Sunnism even is (Ashari-Maturidi Muqallid), let alone Classical Sunnism...
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    Turkish President seen $2 billion trade potential with Bangladesh

    Some countries in Asia and Africa are ADDICTED to remittance and these countries never do well. It is a state of perpetual subjugation. Bengalis work in the Gulf and Malaysia in droves, and they're also treated like animals in droves. If you don't respect yourself then nobody else will. And...
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    Turkish foreign minister to visit Bangladesh Tuesday

    My account is a year older then yours. Moron. Stick to the topic. Not your infatuation with me rather than my points. BD ranks in the bottom 22 of the business index. Most of the countries below it are warzones. I just spent all evening yesterday listening to someone who's been involved in a...
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    Bangladesh to join Trilateral Highway with India, Myanmar and Thailand? Yet to be decided

    There is literally no benefit in building a highway connecting with Myanmar. Literally none. All it does is create another trade route between India and Myanmar. Bangladesh is already a COASTAL NATION, and it already shares borders with India and Myanmar. BD should focus on expanding trade with...
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    Turkish foreign minister to visit Bangladesh Tuesday

    If BD wasn't so corrupt then maybe some real business could be done. But at this stage shit is hopeless. BD ranks among the worst in the Ease of doing Business Index, and the government has no foreign policy. The agenda right now is just to keep business as usual until the state implodes by...
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    UAE royals arrive in Chagai for hunting Houbara bustards

    Isn't the blood of poor migrant laborers, domestic workers and child camel-jockeys not enough for these Qaramita Arabs?
  12. F

    Alibaba 'dismayed' by reports its software was used to identify Uyghurs

    The average Uighur phenotype is slightly different from Han Chinese phenotype. So I can't imagine why a machine can't learn to tell the difference if it's been fed millions of entries to create profile types. Are you assuming they look the same? Many Westerners and Indians can't even tell the...
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    Malaysia Johor Sultan tells public "Don’t act prematurely" over Muslim woman’s marriage to Indian hockey player

    Malaysia treats Muslim Rohingya refugees like animals and stuffs migrant laborers in prison camps. Meanwhile Han Chinese and Hindu Indians make up almost half their population now. Malaysia has joined the Khaleeji Arab camp of being a persecutor of the Muslimeen. Islam was founded by refugees...
  14. F

    if Nigerian military can’t secure 20km from Maiduguri, how can they defend us – Zulum

    The whole BH insurgency started because they decided to extrajudicially torture and kill the leader of JAS around 2009. They were a radical salafist group in Borno State but not armed insurgents, just zealots. After they killed him, one of his deputies Shekau and the other followers went to war...
  15. F

    Delegation from the UAE and Bahrain visited the western wall to celebrate hanukkah

    Not even surprised you have people on this site celebrating the Khaleeji monarchies being butt buddies with the Zionist state. Then again I've seen Pakistanis celebrating the deaths of fellow Pakistanis in KSA on this site, and another clown wishing death on Yemenis! For me I'M HAPPY to see...
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    if Nigerian military can’t secure 20km from Maiduguri, how can they defend us – Zulum

    The Nigerian military kills innocent people on a daily basis and then retroactively declares them either bandits or Boko Haram. The same thing is happening in Cameroon, Chad, and across the Sahel. Mozambique does the same thing. Kills innocent people and then labels them "Al Shabab". There is...
  17. F

    Turkish view: The unstoppable fall of Ikhwanism!

    @Homajon @MMM-E I've noticed both of you are talking about Nagarno-Karabakh, which only helps the Western and Armenian-nationalist narrative. From what I know, the main issue with Azerbaijan is actually the fact that the land AROUND the Nagarno-Karabakh is (or was) occupied. While NK was 75%...
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    Turkish view: The unstoppable fall of Ikhwanism!

    As I've noted above, Yemen's civil war didn't begin in the last decade, it began during the Cold War. As did Somalia's. Both Yemen and Somalia are located in the Gulf of Aden, the most important shipping route in the world. Yemenis and Somalis were also seafaring people who traded all across...
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    Serious 'flaw' in the railway design of the dream Padma Bridge, vehicles will get stuck without enough headroom!

    Ironic you're complaining to me about nagging. Anyways, i was just sharing my view. I know Dhaka can't be fixed, that's why I suggested building a new city from scratch.....something many countries have done, including Nigeria. And even Indonesia is considering doing, since Jakarta is literally...
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    Featured Myanmar gathers troops near Bangladesh border

    I've watched your video. 1. These are an amalgamation of images. Not all current and not all from the BD border. 2. I've never said they need to engage in direct conflict NOW, just when there is reports of troop build-up. The conflict needs to be by surprise, especially AFTER Myanmar has gone...
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