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  1. crigar

    Stupid & Funny from Around the World :Continued

    bupa has qualified for next pugrhe now his pugrhe color change from green to white
  2. crigar

    05-Mar-2023 - Imran Khan's Arrest, and Related News and Discussions

    thank goodness! roz takrir kr kr k sola daita tha
  3. crigar

    Inflation hits highest level on record, will rise further

    your recent answers regarding inflation and price hike bring a funny story to my mind. A rich kid was asked to write a story about a poor family in school. He wrote there was a family, they were poor, their servants were poor, their house was only 1 canal, they had 5 years old three Mercedes...
  4. crigar

    saving my savings!

    With an economic crisis on our doorstep fast approaching and the way the inflation storm is almost hitting us, it's important to protect one's savings from this storm. I have almost 5 million PKR in my savings account, so I am looking for options to secure my savings. I am currently considering...
  5. crigar

    The Path Out of Pakistan's Economic Crisis

    Pakistan's problem is macroeconomics and miss management. the issue is IPPs which started in the 90s after that no government built any new dam nor did they try to get self-independent on the power supply. Hence circular debt is always rising Similarly, our import bill ballooned like no...
  6. crigar

    Four Mirage 2000 fighters shot down four F-16 Fighting Falcons

    hey man! yesterday i shoot down 5 su-35, 7 rafale and 9 mig-29s using my f-16 MLU .
  7. crigar

    Game is over - khawaja asif

    mama=pen hahahah
  8. crigar

    Stock Market Crashed - Uncertainity Remained on IMF Recovery Program

    My father recently got retired and instead of investing he put his whole gratuity fund in the bank. I told him a month ago to buy the gold but he didn't listen now he is thinking about buying gold when gold is already up by 20000+.
  9. crigar

    Govt is increasing Electricity !!!

    have you read about the population crisis in japan and china? or do you see the interview with Elon Musk regarding the population collapse crisis in Europe? this lollipop was given by the west to promote their interest in the poor parts of Asia and Africa in the 1960s. Our problem is...
  10. crigar

    Govt is increasing Electricity !!!

    ya, you are right but it's too late now otherwise if your parents had taken a good decision at the right moment, we don't have to read this stupid post of yours.
  11. crigar

    Media 80.5% news about Toshakhana and only 19.5% about Inflation

    I am sorry but before blaming sold media, how much PTI and Imran khan has talked about inflation and price hikes? All khan did 50 julsa for his kursi and two pathetic long marches in the past few months but not a single jusla and long march against mahngai. PDM jokers at least show a media...
  12. crigar

    While Tejas Crawls The Thunder Rolls.

    you forget main feature it comes with a truck
  13. crigar

    While Tejas Crawls The Thunder Rolls.

    comparing Tejas (truck carring craft) with j-10. man, I want this kind of confidence in my life.
  14. crigar

    While Tejas Crawls The Thunder Rolls.

    tejas is Coming by road
  15. crigar

    150 textile closed, more than 2 Million unemployed in Pakistan

    yesterday I saw a Pathan beggar. In my whole life, this wasn't happen before. bajra has destroyed us even the ghayor between us are feeling the heat
  16. crigar

    Merit system failure in Pakistan for Doctor Jobs

    merit what merit, the only merit in Pak is how good your political connections are and how rich you are.
  17. crigar

    The real causes of Muslims scientific downfall

    I know what you meant but the truth is what Ghazali did although he did it for the greater good, it destroyed the free-thinking and tolerance. So, he did a commendable job fighting the fitna but in the long run, it bites in the back of the Muslim ummah.
  18. crigar

    The real causes of Muslims scientific downfall

    1. Lack of free thinking 2. Mullah giving fatwah on every new invention including the printing press (ottoman empire) and loudspeakers 3. Mullah threatens scientific studies which challenge their hegemony 4. lack of entrepreneurship (economic and wealth) is the primary motivation behind new...
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