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  1. Fenrir

    Wikileaks co-founder Julian Assange arrested in London

    I doubt 5 years is all he'll face. His extradition is being sought on computer hacking charges, light, but easy to prove there's something there to hold him liable for, and that could see the extradition process be made simpler since Assange wouldn't have much case to argue for abusive...
  2. Fenrir

    Wikileaks co-founder Julian Assange arrested in London

    Who want an uninvited, unkempt freeloader sticking around - neglecting his cat, abusing his internet privileges - for seven years? Not Ecuador apparently. ... Hopefully Embassy Cat found a new home.
  3. Fenrir

    Russia announces missile drill outside Norwegian air base

    They do this every year, and especially when NATO is conducting Cold Response and Trident Juncture exercises. We'll surveil their exercise, they'll launch a few missile, bloviate and everyone will go about their business afterward. Big freaking deal. Not like this is the first time Russia's...
  4. Fenrir

    Wikileaks co-founder Julian Assange arrested in London

    Because that beard's disgusting, obviously. Looks terrible. I hope the cat's ok. Has anyone checked on it? He's looking at what? 5 years in a US prison? Seem like a slap on the wrist.
  5. Fenrir

    Norwegian Armed Forces

    FAST unit supporting UN operations in Mali.
  6. Fenrir

    1.5 billion barrels of oil

    It's measured in number of thousands - B/D th. 588.616 thousand barrels per day. I know it's misleading to read, but other sources confirm that Pakistan's per day consumption isn't a measly 588 barrels, but 588,000. A barrel of oil is 158.9 liters. At 588 barrels per day that's a palty 93,433...
  7. Fenrir

    1.5 billion barrels of oil

    600,000 barrels is per day consumption, not per year. 1.5 Billion barrels is 2,500 days (6.8 years) of use at 600,000 barrels per day. It's not alot for a country like Pakistan, and even less when the total recoverable oil generally is less then the estimated total amount...
  8. Fenrir

    Norwegian Armed Forces

    One of the few times I've seen a shotgun in Norwegian service. They're very rare.
  9. Fenrir

    Wikileaks co-founder Julian Assange arrested in London

    Asshole needs to shave. Good riddance.
  10. Fenrir

    Norwegian Armed Forces

    Also pics of FSK.
  11. Fenrir

    Norwegian Armed Forces

    Assorted pictures of Norway's various commando groups Assorted pictures of Forsvarets spesialkommando.
  12. Fenrir

    Norwegian Armed Forces

    Soldiers from Home Guard rapid response units Varg and Claymore cross train in Bjerkvik. ... Den respekterte amerikanske bistandseksperten Paula Kantor er skutt sju steder, blant annet i ansiktet, og ligger nesten urørlig på gulvet i den afghanske hotellobbyen i Kabul...
  13. Fenrir

    Breaking: Taliban claims it shot down US B-52 strategic bomber in Afghanistan

    1. B-52's don't operate out of Shorabak. It's a Marine garrison. 2. B-52's don't sortie out of Afghanistan. 3. It's been over 5 hours since this allegedly happened and there's been no independent reporting or confirmation. Conclusion: BS.
  14. Fenrir

    Norwegian Armed Forces

    KV Svalbard and crew patrol near the Norwegian Polar Institute's Sverdrup Research Station on Svalbard. Thank you:-). Glad you liked them.
  15. Fenrir

    Zarwan Bhai getting popular in local press!

    So if you guys don't want her, can you send her our way? She's kind of cute:partay:. And Zarvan, stay off Twitter and Facebook man. You'll be so much happier if you dump that garbage in the trash where it belongs.
  16. Fenrir

    Asymmetrical War: A Necessity For PN

    NSM is a beast for how small it is. Small, stealthy and intelligent. You'd probably have better luck importing Turkey's SOM-J though. It's the only missile in NSM's class. It's warhead is actually nearly half the size of similar anti-ship missiles like SOM-J or Harpoon. It's not the...
  17. Fenrir

    Footage: NASA creates 'alien' lights in Norway

    The rockets, Black Brant XI where launched out of Andøya Space Center. Cool story: Black Brant rockets launched from Andøya nearly caused a Russian nuclear counter-attack in 1995 after four rockets were mistaken by the Russians as Trident D5 missiles as their flight path, altitude and...
  18. Fenrir

    Japan's F-35A fighter jets has gone missing.

    Where it's reported to have gone down is an area that has waters between 500-2000 meters deep. If in those areas there's both a limited opportunity to recover and reuse the air-frame, or even find it. https://maps.ngdc.noaa.gov/viewers/bathymetry/ This F-35 was part of a four-ship flight so...
  19. Fenrir

    Japan's F-35A fighter jets has gone missing.

    Oh for ****'s sake. It crashed just outside of Northern Japan. https://theaviationist.com/2019/04/09/japanese-f-35-lightning-ii-stealth-aircraft-reported-missing-over-the-pacific-ocean/...
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