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  1. congtubl

    South China Sea Forum

    The line of Vietnam-Malay (Yellow star); Vietnam-Indo (Green Note) This is GPS: INDO holding 3 VIETNAMESE SHIPS. The indo government should negotiate with Vietnam on this demarcation line, Avoid cases occurring in the future.
  2. congtubl

    Egyptian Armed Forces

    20-22 may be to Algeria or 12 to Vietnam
  3. congtubl

    Egyptian Armed Forces

    https://bmpd.livejournal.com/4111548.html Here, it is: Строительство истребителей Су-35 (предположительно, самолеты по контракту для Египта, видны борта с серийными номерами 08001 и 08002) на Комсомольском-на-Амуре авиационном заводе имени Ю.А. Гагарина (КнААЗ - филиале ПАО «Компания «Сухой»)...
  4. congtubl

    Egyptian Armed Forces

    Su-35 Egypt
  5. congtubl

    Vietnam Defence Forum

    No, this is VCG not VAF 2011 we bought 3 Casa-212 from Spain. 2016, 3 from Indo NC-212i.
  6. congtubl

    Vietnam Defence Forum

  7. congtubl

    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions [Thread 2]

    Welcome to Rafale came back India home. But the paint on the tail maybe wrong And the cover on the wings maybe moved (above on the 6th people from Right to left)
  8. congtubl

    Vietnam Defence Forum

    But in Jica report, the vessel is long 79m, sothat it maybe ASO ship, 1000t.
  9. congtubl

    Vietnam Defence Forum

    Vietnam need smaller than that. TT-1500 6 ships from Japan Gov gave us
  10. congtubl

    Vietnam Defence Forum

    Maybe su-3xx
  11. congtubl

    Vietnam Defence Forum

    2018: PTH85-VN18 2020
  12. congtubl

    Vietnam Defence Forum

    wow What are they?
  13. congtubl

    Vietnam Defence Forum

    Tested SPYDER-SR with Python 5 Derby-MR SPYDER-MR https://vtv.vn/video/le-ky-niem-30-nam-ngay-hoi-quoc-phong-toan-dan-va-75-nam-thanh-lap-quan-doi-nhan-dan-viet-nam-21-12-2019-411726.htm From 28:00
  14. congtubl

    Vietnam Defence Forum

    And more Pic in this link: https://vnexpress.net/thoi-su/viet-nam-trung-bay-nhieu-vu-khi-hien-dai-4030568.html
  15. congtubl

    Vietnam Defence Forum

    New ver. for Vietnam with 8 UKSK
  16. congtubl

    Vietnam Defence Forum

    www.qdnd.vn Sonya-class minesweeper
  17. congtubl

    Vietnam Defence Forum

  18. congtubl

    Vietnam Defence Forum

    May be:
  19. congtubl

    Vietnam Defence Forum

    Now we have a new gun: ORSIS T-5000 http://www.armstrade.org/includes/periodics/news/2019/1127/103055546/detail.shtml
  20. congtubl

    Vietnam Defence Forum

    And China is always afraid of Pack Hang Seo. In Dec, Russia and Vietnam will have ex. rescue submarrine
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