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  2. Student

    TTP, Afghan Taliban and Al Qaeda: Three Heads of the Same Monster

    This cleric met Bush once what about the Arab Kings who are in bed with US permanatly. Yes Ummah has a threat and that threat is hate salafi khawrij philosophy.
  3. Student

    Why Waziristan cannot be conquered

    Now you are suggesting another extreme which is as wrong as Taliban and TTP hate philisophy.
  4. Student

    Al-Qaeda, Afghan and Pakistan Taliban join forces?

    . Total agreement since it is a Hadith. Atleast you consider Pakistani to be Muslim where as terrorist Taliban and TTP do not. FATA is a part of Pakistan these tribesmen have miss used the freedom and liberty given by there fellow countrymen by harbouring Suicide Bombers and...
  5. Student

    Dear who are you send me the Najdi pseudo-salafi propoganda message

    Dear who are you send me the Najdi pseudo-salafi propoganda message
  6. Student

    Al-Qaeda, Afghan and Pakistan Taliban join forces?

    Taliban, TTP and there associates are pseudo-salafi Najdi terrorist and criminals hell bent on killing and intimidating anyone who refuses to submit to there evil philosophy of hate. Mullah Umer or No Mullah Umer any bloody punk who fights the people of Pakistan and the brave Mujahid Army of...
  7. Student

    Pak Taliban chief threatens India

    All taliban can do is cowardly road side bombs. As for Afganistan so called constitution and Mr Karzai can have a wet dream about anything but it does not change the reality. FATA is a part of pakistan and will continue to do so. If Pakistan blocks supplies to Afganistan it will die of...
  8. Student

    Agni-5 can target our Harbin city: Chinese daily

    We have second strike capability and we will make sure nothing but a N-wateland exists in subcontinent if provoked. India cannot afford a N-exchange with Pakistan. What makes the Indians think they can take on China? calm down guys nuking each other is not the solution but building a...
  9. Student

    Operation Rah-e-Nijat (South Waziristan)

    :sniper:PAF pounding targets from the air, Pakistan Army using heavy artillery, in my opinion these are the best tactics. Once the place is clear of civilians then shoot everything that moves. And please PA kill all those Chechen's and Uzbek's that slaughter human beings like animals. They...
  10. Student

    Why Waziristan cannot be conquered

    No One can do anything to Islam. It is a challenge to the whole world No one can stop us from reciting The Book of Allah and the Hadith of Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) till our last breath. The problem is Najdi Khwarij ideology. Certainly the liberal fascist living in foreign land indulging in...
  11. Student

    Operation Rah-e-Nijat (South Waziristan)

    What do you do when the dog goes mad? You shoot the damn dog. Bangolis were stupid enough to let outside force lead a revolt against there own country E.Pakistan and be a party to it. We are over it. Save your crocodile tears we dont need them. We are a nation of 170 million and we have guns...
  12. Student

    Operation Rah-e-Nijat (South Waziristan)

    Dear we do not need devious advice of self confessed conpiracy theorist we know perfectly well who our enemies are and we are quiet capable of defending ourself do not burden your poor soul for fake welfare of pakistani people. Our innocent civilians and troops have paid with there blood and now...
  13. Student

    Operation Rah-e-Nijat (South Waziristan)

    Terrorist wreaking havoc in Pakistan need to be annihilated. Burn them down and take no captive show no mercy. These evil people have killed innocent children men and women destroyed families there is no place for these psychopaths in Pakistan. I wish i should have been in the ARMY I would...
  14. Student

    Obama signs Kerry Lugar bill

    $$$ worshipers Zardari and liberal fascists that have residences and stakes outside Pakistan are the only people happy because it has left the country in shambles. (Dual National Hypocrisy needs to be abolished for avoiding people like Moin Qureshi, Shaukat Aziz and Haqani bin Lagar from pushing...
  15. Student

    Failure of Pakistani Government; it’s the time for Army to hold Pakistan?

    You are comparing democracy (Damn-HYPOCRISY) with Dictatorship here which is totally flawed. But anyways the KLB has been passed against the national interest. what difference did it make and please do not mention the lame press conference held by John Kerry and Shah Mehmood Lugar. All Shah...
  16. Student

    Failure of Pakistani Government; it’s the time for Army to hold Pakistan?

    Mr Zardari was not elected by the people in fact he was not even fit to contest the elections. People voted for BB but Mr Corruption was installed by a coup detta carried out by US through getting Benazir assassinated cause she deviated from the terms and agreements that she had agreed upon...
  17. Student

    If fired, Haqqani threatens to unveil 'reams' of Pakistan's secrets

    Mr Haqanni bin Kerry Lugar is from the US by the US and for the US. This guy is more catholic than the pope himself. This person should be relived of his anti-Pakistan activities asap. If he wants to malign Pakistan and jeopardize Pakistan's national interests then he should go join some...
  18. Student

    Timeline of China-Pakistan Friendship

    Dear this is exactly the way any good friend will respond without jealousy.:pakistan::china::pakistan:
  19. Student

    Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

    Dear since we are going to have FC-20 and there is a very high probability that china will not ditch pakistan's bid of FC-20 precurement hence no punishment and no containment by US in this context and we get F-16 C&D's. But the great thing is PAF will be in a unique position of pitting F-16...
  20. Student

    Obama signs Kerry Lugar bill

    KLB is the prime example of Servant Master relationship. The PPP acted more catholic than the pope. PML(N) made fake noise just like a prostitute does when she gets good money. In the end this piece of ***** goes through and GOP and opposition continue to play there fake WWE match while the...
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