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  1. O

    POLL: Will Ukraine recapture another city?

    so... nothing, reality on the ground is reality on the ground.
  2. O

    POLL: Will Ukraine recapture another city?

    "Another east Germany", still economically weaker than the west, this what I meant. For the map: It was 80 years ago. The reality on the ground is completely different now, it`s 2023.
  3. O

    Putin calls Poland's western territories as 'Stalin's gift to Poles'

    Well, Poland exists between "Germany" and "Russia" since more than 1000 years. It will manage, don`t worry.
  4. O

    POLL: Will Ukraine recapture another city?

    Sure, to have another east Germany to swallow recources. This is for sure going to happen.
  5. O

    POLL: Will Ukraine recapture another city?

    95% of the Population is polish there, you really want this back?
  6. O

    Putin calls Poland's western territories as 'Stalin's gift to Poles'

    Poland does not want to annex anything. Poland want to have Ukraine in the "West", in NATO / EU, not getting huge Problems with annexing territory. Don`t write about things, you have no clue about.
  7. O

    Putin calls Poland's western territories as 'Stalin's gift to Poles'

    Nobody in PL wants to annex Western Ukraine. Why the hell for ? It`s a very poor terrirory, who is going to pay for this ? What are going to do with the population ? Not talking about breaking a lot of international treaties. It`s complete fantasy.
  8. O

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

    Russian Ruble achieved parity with the Euro last week. 1 Russian Ruble = 1 Euro Cent. Economy is not only important for war, It`s crucial.
  9. O

    Half a million march in Warsaw against Poland’s ruling party

    ALL parties in the Polish politics are pro-US by default. ALL parties in the Polish politics are pro-EU by default as well. The Conflict is about the relationship with the EU: more federal / less federal. The elections are comming, so the opposition is mobilising.
  10. O

    Intel spends $33 billion in Germany in landmark expansion

    Why "against their own people interests" ? Having a state of the art semidonductor factory is a good thing.
  11. O

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

    Yeah, I`m very disappointed, that the German companies have such a bad operational risk planning, now half of Europe is paying for this. Setting on mostly on Russia... hmmm bad idea... setting mostly on China... bad idea...
  12. O

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

    Yeah, the sanctions affected both sides, but we not so weak not too adjust, are you ? Russia is not the only source of energy and it was long term expensive, as you see in you bill now.
  13. O

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

    It`s 2022.... Why Arbeitspreis is 3x since April 2022?
  14. O

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

    I think, they completely know who exploded the NS, as this was probably the German government! The Russian Gas was expensive, you see it now in your bills(!) I don`t see it as Poland has diversified, before the war with terminal here...
  15. O

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

    Great you were trying to rationalize this. More probable this propaganda nonsense.
  16. O

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

    Yes, this is correct, but now everybody has Gas without Russia and future price are below the pre war. btw. If my Bill rose by 15% and yours by 1000%, you have a mess. Not very German.
  17. O

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

    Or frustrated retiree, that used produce Wartburgs.
  18. O

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

    Yeah, My Bills increased by 15% (this is a lot! ). You are not very creditable or you have a mess ;) Theoretically Poland was more dependend on Russia.
  19. O

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

    He is probably east German, wants to produce Wartburgs again.
  20. O

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

    For what ? Heating ?
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