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  1. S

    How elite force RAB terrorizes Bangladesh

    Are you kidding? Your Nadeem/Fasal duo (or even your WhiskyHafiz) are just little babies in front of the "Mother of Mafia's" murderous Gestapos. The blood-thirsty psycho has been in power for more than a decade without conducting a single legitimate election. Bangladesh is the only country in...
  2. S

    Forget China, our competition is Bangladesh now. Only PM doesn’t acknowledge this

    I have never seen a single article written by an Indian/Pakistani without this "must include" reference. Of course, post independent war-ravaged country with its intelligentsia wiped off was not looking like a paragon of development;-) But it was no surprise the "defeated" mass murdering racist...
  3. S

    Bangladesh, a future tiger economy? Indian diplomat thinks so

    These sanghi creatures must be living on a different planet! How dare? Chutzpah indeed!
  4. S

    Bangladesh Bank to discourage luxury imports

    As a fellow fiercely patriotic Bangladeshi, I would urge you to reconsider using the H-word in that context. We despise the chest thumping fanatic RSS/Sanghi Nazi an1mists but we don't have issues with any particular faith/tradition. I would use the words such as Sanghi, RSS Nazi, etc. Trust me...
  5. S

    Bangladesh Bank to discourage luxury imports

    You would have been pretty much correct as of now if you used the word exported instead of manufactured! BD is almost self-sufficient (or, can be) in pharma (98%), electronics, appliances, processed foods, ship building, small industries, etc. Yes, we have a long way to go... Transitioning from...
  6. S

    Bangladesh Bank to discourage luxury imports

    No such measures would have been needed if we could stop money laundering - especially those Billions that are destined for sanghistan/Begum Para/UAE/Switzerland! As a patriotic Bangladeshi, Prashant Kumar Halder might bring back that stolen 2 billion USD!! That will help boost our reserve.
  7. S

    Northeast Diary: Assam’s pain, Bangladesh’s gain

    That reminded me of the millions of the sanghistani stray gau-matas that survive mostly by eating trash.
  8. S

    Korea Expressway Corp. to Operate and Manage N8 Expressway in Bangladesh

    Dung beetles are people!! But seriously, these animist fanatic species suffer from tremendous insecurity and inferiority complex. Can't blame it (I have pronoun issues) ... just look for the meaning of the H-word in old Persian dictionary. It's more pejorative than the N-word!
  9. S

    17% export growth if Bangladesh signs FTA with RCEP bloc

    Just do it ASAP. Once Myanmar stabilizes, establish friendly relationship with them, build rail/road connectivity with them.
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    Northeast Diary: Assam’s pain, Bangladesh’s gain

    How is that BD gain? Smuggling tremendously hurts our cattle farmers.
  11. S

    Minority community demands resignation of foreign minister Momen

    The whole article is full of usual fluff but we are still not sure what Alga said! BTW, does anybody know the result of the 'investigation' of the Puja Mandap incident? Some critics say that this happened due to BJP's need to win elections in BD adjacent states.
  12. S

    Several Indian Soldiers Killed in Landslide

    Excellently put in such a lucid manner! Are you sure you are not one of my Indian friends? ;-) This is almost exactly his assessment when we had a discussion on "the event held in a stadium in Houston". Not just IRL, these NRI sanghi fanatics seem to be ruthless in most of the SM platforms...
  13. S

    Several Indian Soldiers Killed in Landslide

    When absolute raw hatred for the target community/communities permeates the national psyche, nothing else can enter in the political/media/civil discourse. I was really flabbergasted (or rather disgusted) when .... in the most recent Gaza flareup, whole india erupted in joy/glee when israel...
  14. S

    Bangladesh Navy detains 135 Indian fishermen

    Funnily enough, I once read in Bangla Quora (perhaps) that some of these people agreed on the statement that "those who don't perform 'kalee pujo' are not even Bangalis"! Back then it reminded me of that quote from Sharat Chandra's 'Srikant' novel: "ইস্কুলের মাঠে বাঙ্গালী ও মুসলমান ছাত্রদের...
  15. S

    Bangladesh Navy detains 135 Indian fishermen

    Indian government should create awareness so that their citizens learn not to cross the maritime 'borders'.... I don't want to believe that these are deliberate but then again given the fact the SL has been dealing with indian thieves for eons, it's hard to convince myself;-)
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    Pakistan to get $2b from IMF not $1b, says PM Shehbaz

    Why do politicians celebrate the loan-approval as if it's FREE money?
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    Several Indian Soldiers Killed in Landslide

    Such a tragedy (so many young lives lost) and yet it doesn't get any traction in the media. RIP.
  18. S

    Budget deficit financing: Country turns again to IMF after a decade

    Bitter truth. Also, I have a faint suspicion that there is some "Shuvonkorer faki".... so, the govt had to push the panic button.
  19. S

    Bangladesh tries to secure wheat from Russia as India stops exports-sources

    A great man once aptly described his own party stalwarts as "paa chaataar dol" ;-)
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