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  1. S

    Bangladesh Ranks Higher Than India, Pakistan and USA in Global Terrorism Index 2023

    Bangladeshis are a bunch of nerds. No one is going to do shit. This is what you all get wrong about Bangladesh.
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    Where Bangladesh succeeded and Pakistan failed

    I'm totally not triggered guys!! Continues to post in the thread. Furiously edits every single post to meticulous detail for several minutes after making them. I really think we are striking a nerve with you. You are obsessed with us. If only it were possible to generate electricity from...
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    Bangladesh will show real 19bn$ foreign reserve now after IMF force to do so

    I'm glad for this. I can't believe it takes initiative from a western organization to get our people to act with some level of integrity. And yet people from this part of the world want to think that somehow they are superior in values to the west. Its all just cope. In the past we looked to...
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    Where Bangladesh succeeded and Pakistan failed

    This thread is hillarious. You know this topic absolutely triggers pakistani posters when the thread reaches 19 pages. Most threads on this subforum reach like 1-2 pages max. Pakistani posters are patting themselves on the back here when they could just not reply? You can't make this stuff up...
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    Bangladesh turning into a major manufacturing hub for winter jackets, say reports

    Its good news. Winter jackets are a high value product. Good quality winter jackets retail anywhere from $200-$1000 USD here. If you live somewhere cold and spend the money on a good quality jacket, you will understand the value immediately. These days winter jackets are also quite fashionable...
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    Bangladesh voices concern over rise of Islamophobia, terrorism globally

    I'm really not impressed by economic stats and metrics. Your the fifth largest economy because you have a ton of people. When it comes to India, I really don't care what the stats say, I just look at the conduct of Indian people and realize your economy may be developing but your culture and...
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    Where Bangladesh succeeded and Pakistan failed

    Its like you have a script ready to go. With all the grievances you have against Bangladesh. And then you call Bangladeshi posters emotional. lol. You see why I say that you're unhinged and suffering from something? Why do you think I care anything about you just said. If anything it makes...
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    Where Bangladesh succeeded and Pakistan failed

    Your crying about honor and dignity on an online message board. Ever seen Pakistanis get so emotional and argumentative when a Bangladeshi states that Pakistan has worse living conditions than Bangladesh? Thats literally you man. Obviously you suffer from some psychological condition. This...
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    Bangladesh voices concern over rise of Islamophobia, terrorism globally

    You really don't understand Bangladesh or Bangladesh society. Bangladesh is not like Pakistan or Afghanistan. Islamic extremism in Bangladesh will inevitably be limited. Simply because the population growth is capped and land is sparse. In Pakistan and Afghanistan it is easy to smuggle weapons...
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    Where Bangladesh succeeded and Pakistan failed

    I really don't understand this line of thinking. You think its good if women sit home all day? That just ends up making them dumb, lazy and ignorant of the world. And then their children take after them as they see their mother live a life without any real struggle. We already see the youth...
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    Where Bangladesh succeeded and Pakistan failed

    Pakistani posters coping hard in this thread. Bangladesh sucks balls and yet its people still work hard and keep their head down because they know their current place. I think that is highly virtuous. The Bangladeshi will work menial jobs, low skilled labor in countries where they are despised...
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    Bangladesh voices concern over rise of Islamophobia, terrorism globally

    This is true. I am reading lots about this recently. Saudi will most likely become a liberal muslim country in the next few decades. You know the Saudi princes they all go abroad to the west for university, have fun for a few years then go back to their homeland and realize it sucks and that...
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    Hyundai cars made in Bangladesh: First manufacturing plant in Gazipur opens

    Honestly is building this for domestic market a good move? personal vehicle ownership should be discouraged in bangladesh. Look at these things they're huge. Where are you driving that comfortably. Make good quality stuff for other places. encourage use of transit and bikes or electric vehicles...
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    The great game in India’s backyard: How Pakistan, Bangladesh are balancing Washington and Moscow

    I noticed this with some Pakistani's. They don't seem to understand the concept of putting your head down and just working. Our countries and people aren't shit. Most of the population are rural people not far removed from a bygone feudal era. I don't see the point of challenging the global...
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    Bangladesh Economic & Infrastructure Development - Updates & Discussions

    Japanese interview with an apparel factory owner. Please skip to 8:34 where he conducts the interview with the owner in english. Interesting conversation regarding current economic impacts + environmental policy regulations on the apparel industry.
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    Will Pakistan and Bangladesh bury the hatchet?

    Its always diaspora living in the west saying this wack type of shit. I don't understand. There is synergy between the people of the two nations. Religion and shared cultural aspects. Pakistani and Bangladeshi diaspora tend to get along just fine in other countries and often inter-marry. Many...
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    Japan wants to invest more in Bangladesh, says Kiminori Iwama

    On youtube I've been seeing more videos lately from Japanese expats/businesspeople in Bangladesh. If you know what to search you can find their videos. The initial completion of Dhaka MRT-6 line has also stirred up some interest. 日本語もわかりますよ! @bluesky I go to Japan some times. Maybe our paths...
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    Japan wants to invest more in Bangladesh, says Kiminori Iwama

    Good news. Here's another recent piece on this matter. https://japannews.yomiuri.co.jp/world/asia-pacific/20230206-89262/
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    Bangladesh withdraws school books after anti-LGBTQ backlash

    Again, its an absurd point you try to make. Stop consuming so much western media. Do you work in the west? You would realize they don't care that much about these issues, not to the point of enacting sanctions over them. Just because you see "corporate shit" about LGBTQ pushed by HR executives...
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    Bangladesh withdraws school books after anti-LGBTQ backlash

    Agreed. We must live and let live. There is no need to disrupt social cohesion via directed attacks on minorities, it is ALWAYS an unproductive waste of time. Nothing is gained from this. I have seen many conservative people often have this bizzare obsession with LGBT. They become consumed with...
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