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  1. R

    Agni III doesn't pose threat, we share friendly relations with India: China

    No china is not weak, and its peaceful country, which attacked its neighbors, be it Vietnam, India or any other country. Promoting Communist rebellion in Nepal, Indian NE States and in Myanmar. Lay claims on land which far from from china mainland but closer to another country. A...
  2. R

    Now, Germany mulls burqa ban

    Well this how Democracy Works, If more then 50 % wants to Ban Burkha then its democracy....... if 5 % want to wear burkha against the opinion of 95 % then democracy dont allow it. If Read some French Swim resort ask women to come in swim suit becasue in swimming pool you ahve to wear swim...
  3. R

    US tries to tamp down tension

    :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: i cant stop laughing...... First of all make your knowledge clear , Indian Nukes based on Plutonium and not uranium. So False story got nailed in first place. If Pak faces Nuclear war threats then shouldn't dare Kargil , So you are wrong again. If China can...
  4. R

    Arjun News & Discussions

    then why looking for S300 system from russia?? if you dont have knowledge of Internal political and Arjun system, kindly dont't comment. Indian is infested by Weapons Agents which dont want indian wepon to get success , They tried in Akash missile also, and Arjun. also
  5. R

    Arjun News & Discussions

    Well problems also with T90-, t 1) Their engines heat up in high temp, 2) They dont have high Accuracy to take target while on the move. 3) Their Armour cant take direct hit, while Arjun Armour can take any Enemy Ammo at point blank range and move on unhurt, got it Arjun tank tested for...
  6. R

    Now, Germany mulls burqa ban

    OK suppose that women want to change to another religion let say christian, then malaysia will allow women to convert into another religion ? Do women has option to chose it freedom of choosing religion? NO , then why other you expect other one to open when you not free within yourself. Like...
  7. R

    Arjun News & Discussions

    Army is Known to be Foreign Puddy , One can recall how they dont want world class Brahmos missile against American missile 2) Akash Anti Aircraft Missile which Army refuses and Air force Accepted as good missile. Same with the Tank and Old Army Personal is trained with Russian Tank and...
  8. R

    Now, Germany mulls burqa ban

    Well first off all , get yourself clear which side you are? 1) Your defending lashes of that girl, then if everyone in Europe dont want burkha , then why you having problem. 2) If Someone born as Muslim want to convert to another religion, do any country allows it. ? NO muslims country...
  9. R

    Taliban warns of 'big war' if Pak attacks N Waziristan

    they just a bunch non required human on earth.....
  10. R

    Taliban warns of 'big war' if Pak attacks N Waziristan

    their area????? i thought it was Pak area.....
  11. R

    Shahrukh Khan given ticket to Pakistan by Shiv Sena

    Well the Thing is , Most / Some of the Indian dont want to have any kind of tieup with PAK after mumbai attack. 1) We remember the Days when PAK didnt allowed Indian Humanitarian AID of Wheat to Afghanistan passing though PAK borders after the falling of Taliban. Non allowed Pass the...
  12. R

    Now, Germany mulls burqa ban

    Two are the Epicenter of Muslim Religions , Shia and Sunni , Right? isn't Malaysia enforce Law, forget when Model get lashes by court on drinking bear in public place ??
  13. R

    China PLA Type 99 Tank is Inferior ?

    Very true, that's why we have hardly seen any potent weapon from Chinese.
  14. R

    India Tops in Illiteracy and Defense Spending

    This will be obvious becasue of large population, Burst your one Myth.... of your wrong Myth , Challange you answwer me.. 1.25 USD is equivalent to 110 INR roughly. Wait for Next Writing where i Will Burst your Manipulation of DATA .......
  15. R

    Now, Germany mulls burqa ban

    Same as Saudis Arabia / Taliban / Malaysia etc wants women to wear Burkha , dont go without man, dont drink Alcohol Do same rules also applies to S.A and other countries also??
  16. R

    China PLA Type 99 Tank is Inferior ?

    No, this is to those who always claims something diff. Well the Point is why the tank Barrel is moving up and Down while moving on the uneven ground, I have hardly seen this type of thing in any tanks video around the world. Some tank can shoot good while on the move and some can shoot...
  17. R

    China PLA Type 99 Tank is Inferior ?

    Hi, The Chinese are thinking that, their things are superior, and they laugh at others, this is the video which shows the reality of Chinese product Type 99 Tank, which they claims successful. So , is their any Video which proves other wise ??
  18. R

    China launches third orbiter for indigenous global satellite navigation system

    Hey see your type 99 tank, is worst then t72 even see the video which we have posted , your type 99 cant even fire straight.......:rofl: Chinese best technology tank cant even fire straight and they claim about Arjun tank, at least Arjun tank fire straight:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: ...
  19. R

    Evidences that Tibet is part of China

    So you means in Japan continues to have some china part or UK to have HK for 1000 years then they become their country part not china. In earlier times, when media was not their , people use to occupy other lands and weak surrenders but now situation is change no one can take other land...
  20. R

    Pakistan's likely response to an Indian Surgical strike !

    See the Diff of Army response in Kargil and Siachin. both are same but see the diff Event of Surgical Strike , PAK cant do anything much then shouting or covert operations like it doing now. we seen them Kargil, where are didnt hold their position and siachin where they didnt move a inch...
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