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    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    It is Taj hotel. :hitwall
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    Anatomy Of A Jihadist

    only islamic preacher preach openly about violence. All mullahs are political experts then babus. Do you think mullahs teaches about islam after friday prayers?
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    Anatomy Of A Jihadist

    No problem with muslims. Problem only with extremist preacher who radicalize their followers and teach violence.
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    Anatomy Of A Jihadist

    In places of worship, I don't think any religion other than islam talk about geo political issues other than religion. All mullahs are not educated and they enforce their point of view. After friday prayer they get brainwash and start throwing stones on the by standers in all the places in...
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    Anatomy Of A Jihadist

    Islam is a way of life but it should be enforced on others sect. They should teach or atleast educate live peacefully with other religion. I am not flaming here. As long as muslim population is <5%, Islam is peaceful religion and islam == peace. When it crosses 20% they try to enforce their...
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    Anatomy Of A Jihadist

    It is good if it happens what u said. but not Mosque is for praying and discussion of religious topic. It should not be used as political purpose. Imam after friday prayer I don't think he teaches islam.
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    Anatomy Of A Jihadist

    I am ok teaching islam and religion but should not seed hatred on its mind. Children takes teacher as role model and don't question unlike others.
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    JeM coordinator for India, Bangladesh nabbed in Dhaka

    Looks like Jihad or terrorism is full time job for many in Pakistan.
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    JeM coordinator for India, Bangladesh nabbed in Dhaka

    good news. thanks to Bangladeshi friends.
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    Naked Russians corrupt minds: Goa Congress MP

    Time to visit Goa.... Hope to see some beautiful russians.
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    Anatomy Of A Jihadist

    All 9/11 terrorist are highly educated. Brainwash is problem. Politics and religious fundamentalism should not be in education system.
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    Pak will have to fight war if India doesn't talk, says Hafiz Saeed

    Ok. Thanks for letting us know about it. We did not know about it. Our standard is limited up to internet discussion forum only.
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    Pak will have to fight war if India doesn't talk, says Hafiz Saeed

    No more cease fire. This time Indian border will stretch up to Iran. Baluchistan will be a new country added to class books and world map.
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    Hockey World cup Pakistan VS India Match (Thread)

    Congrats India..................................................... Party time :chilli:
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    i am the captian of my team!!

    Good luck. Please don't eat ball :)
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    Pakistani Sikhs beheaded by Taliban

    People like this mentality are disgrace to humanity. Self destruction is near when ideology count increase. Wish no one from your family go through the situations.
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    ‘Beheaded, my brother became a Sikh martyr’

    what are taliban going get by increasing muslim count by few hundred? They should increase life of other poor muslims in pakistan. Looking at it other faith will be attracted to it.
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    Seasonal greenting to Hindus

    thank you..
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    Blast that rocked downtown Mingora

    Very sad news.
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    Pakistani Sikhs want to flee to India

    India should send open offer to sikhs to migrate india. kidnapping and Beheading is horrible act. It is cold bloded murder.
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