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  1. WhiteKnight1


    Don't tell me you fell victim to that pink teddy bear avatar. :disagree:
  2. WhiteKnight1


    I know your still mad because I burst your bubble of deceit.
  3. WhiteKnight1


    What is your facebook name?
  4. WhiteKnight1

    Israel's Pain gets worse as Pakistan's WMD capability grows.

    Start from post #13 and re-read what we have discussed.
  5. WhiteKnight1

    Israel's Pain gets worse as Pakistan's WMD capability grows.

    How could you have lost track of what we were discussing? :hitwall::hitwall:
  6. WhiteKnight1

    Israel's Pain gets worse as Pakistan's WMD capability grows.

    That doesn't make any sense. If you are to argue your point and you use these "tendencies" nobody is going to listen. If Manmohan Singh called Asif Ali Zardari an absent minded child, an immature adolescent at a UN conference will any member take Manmohan Singh seriously?
  7. WhiteKnight1

    Israel's Pain gets worse as Pakistan's WMD capability grows.

    When responding you don't need to respond in the same manner that you are being critical of. You will not look any better.
  8. WhiteKnight1

    shame on all of them

    black men always have their eyes on the white prize
  9. WhiteKnight1

    Israel's Pain gets worse as Pakistan's WMD capability grows.

    Why do all you Indians say grow up, you young child, Indians are more mature...Is this a common "comeback line" among Indians? ;)
  10. WhiteKnight1

    Body scanners: First case of abuse

    We need body scanners but they should only let females scan female passengers and males scan male passengers. I don't know why they haven't thought of it yet. Here in the U.S. only male police officers can search males and only female police officers can search females.
  11. WhiteKnight1

    Israel's Pain gets worse as Pakistan's WMD capability grows.

    How safe are Pakistan’s nuclear assets INDIA’S explosion of its nuclear device in 1974 drew only a customary “show of concern” from the western powers. But Pakistan’s nuclear programmeme, initiated in response to the Indian acquisition of nuclear weapons, evoked immediate and “serious...
  12. WhiteKnight1

    Israel's Pain gets worse as Pakistan's WMD capability grows.

    Israel is so annoying. This guy talking is a retard, Israel will never attack Pakistan.
  13. WhiteKnight1

    Comparing India and Pakistan 2010

    Country with most AIDS cases 1.) INDIA U.N. Says India Now Has Most AIDS Cases :tup: Country where half or more people do not have toilets 1.) INDIA DNA: With one in two people lacking access to a toilet, India urgently needs a Sanitation Act:Sep 12 | Public Toilets : News...
  14. WhiteKnight1


    Check this forum out its a great source of information. Muscle & Strength Forum - Natural Bodybuilding, Strength, Fitness & Physique!
  15. WhiteKnight1

    Picture of the Day

  16. WhiteKnight1


    In Pakistan, is there hate between different ethnic groups? I hear Punjabis are hated alot. Can somebody elaborate?
  17. WhiteKnight1


    Are you sure? I hear there are alot of Pakistani gangs over there. And there is an emerging Afghan gang, alot from those who are trying to seek asylum.
  18. WhiteKnight1


    UK Pakistanis, are there alot of Pakistani gangs over there?
  19. WhiteKnight1

    Can’t Win in Afghanistan? Blame Pakistan

    Oh ok I misunderstood what you ment. Also one thing the article says is Early this summer, the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) predicted a sharp drop in world oil reserves This is not true anymore. They do keep flipping back and forth on when we will exhaust oil on this planet...
  20. WhiteKnight1

    Can’t Win in Afghanistan? Blame Pakistan

    There is no oil
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