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    Congratulations to "Seiko" : He Completes 3000 Posts !!

    I have total 250 posts from 6 id's :lol:
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    Afghanistan may have 1 trillion dollar minerals potential

    How does the barber gets benefit if goats have hair ?
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    Congratulations to "Seiko" : He Completes 3000 Posts !!

    Vallagunavum undoe etrayum post undayittu..thanikkkku verey pani elle ? eee puliyadimakkaludey kundi pidichondu nikann.:lol: congrats anyway..
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    Dhaka proposes Delhi use of non-lethal weapons for border guards

    am not joking here..am a night watchman, and i know and am seeing daily the acute shortage of labor...this a luxury apartment and are occupied by couples and in most cases both work in IT field
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    Dhaka proposes Delhi use of non-lethal weapons for border guards

    Why aren't you proud to be Bd ? please give your people food & job...then they will stay put & make your country prosperous, instead of all loud talk...Pls tell ur fellow country men that therrs severe shortage of labor in kerala state and the local labour rate is around INR 400/- (1 US $=47/-)...
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    Dhaka proposes Delhi use of non-lethal weapons for border guards

    u've hit the bulls eye.THANKS for your insights.thats what am struggling to put across !!!
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    Dhaka proposes Delhi use of non-lethal weapons for border guards

    Smugglers should be shot ? how do u distinguish them from a distance..they will shout "Bhaarath mata ki jai":D..the moment they r cornered..
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    Dhaka proposes Delhi use of non-lethal weapons for border guards

    They're soo desperate..to be Indian aren't we flattered :D???? when it becomes a question of existence to be an INDIAN it helps, not only in Indo_Bd context..This is happening in most European countries USA etc...
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    Dhaka proposes Delhi use of non-lethal weapons for border guards

    U people employ them because they are cheap.. labor...let them live..I think its India responsiblity to look after them too..aren't we a great country ??? God has made us POWERFUL not to crush the poor ..
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    Dhaka proposes Delhi use of non-lethal weapons for border guards

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    Dhaka proposes Delhi use of non-lethal weapons for border guards

    These poor people cross the border for a living illegally...Please my fellow Indians give these poor souls a life...afterall the sea is rising and don't know whatz happening to them in future..I think BD should find ways to stop illegal crossings..but majority crossings happen during night means...
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    Dhaka proposes Delhi use of non-lethal weapons for border guards

    good move..let them... the bangalis come here..thats for a living noe ?people shpuld know the value of job/ money
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    HAL Tejas | Updates, News & Discussions

    We don't want such engines...
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    Are covert ops the only answer to terrorism??

    No never do it...Pakistan is suffering today in the hands of Allah the great, because Pakistan is responsible for the death of poor innocents in mumbai 26/11..see that countries plight...They even has to borrow money from Worldbank..whom India is a contributor....alah is blessing INDIA...
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