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  1. M

    Lahore now the cleanest big city in Pakistan, and greener too. New imagery here!!

    @Pluralist Not taking anything away from Pakistani highways, but how ignorant you can be degrading Indian highway system? There are massive infrastructure mega projects going on in India right now and modern highway system are no exception. Those are some good looking Pakistani highways you...
  2. M

    Pakistani Oscar-winning visual effects artist makes Karachi look good

    R&H offices are not just huge but they're funky too!! R&H Mumbai : Rhythm & Hues Studios :: About :: Locations :: Mumbai :: Overview R&H Hyderabad: Rhythm & Hues Studios :: About :: Locations :: Hyderabad :: Overview Not to mention Sony Imageworks, Technicolor MPC, Dreamworks...
  3. M

    Airtel Sri Lanka Defeats Airtel India & Airtel Bangladesh

    The foreign investment whether its Indian or from anywhere else is only going to help Sri Lanka. SL needs huge amount of FDI inflows at this point of time. Good going Lankans!
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    Pakistani Oscar-winning visual effects artist makes Karachi look good

    Guys just to shed some info on this.. I myself am a Visual effects TD working with Rhythm and Hues Studios in Mumbai and was a part of the team who worked on Golden Compass. Rhythm & Hues has 4 offices worldwide (LA, Mumbai, Hyderabad n Malasia). (rhythm.com/about/locations) There...
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    India shouldn't have become CWG host:

    Those corrupt politician a$$holes should be left at the mercy of horny elephants..:azn: I hope India hosts CWG successfully and proves herself:bounce:
  6. M

    Arjun the warrior prince trailor

    You're right. Prime focus is the biggest and only multinational Post Production firm in Asia. movies to their credit- avatar, clash of the titans, robin hood, twilight eclipse, GI joe etc. Sony Imageworks has worked on Hancock, Alice in Wonderland , G-Force , Watchmen etc.
  7. M

    Arjun the warrior prince trailor

    For all of you animation enthusiasts from all over the world-:pop: some info about global animation industry- The 5 big players in animation / vfx market globally and major centers- 1.US(LA, San Fransisco)-almost all giants- Pixar,Dreamworks etc. 2.Canada(Vancouver) - Pixar, Technicolor 3...
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