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  1. S

    China pays 280K people to boost its Web image

    Then u need to read some more. And idea of a "PR" work on web is not that bad. Consider how many ppl out there believe the things they see on the web without recheck the source and background. Information is power...
  2. S

    China: a force fit for a superpower

    Irony is that you guys can't see it even when you are using it... BTW,can you find China on the map? :smitten:
  3. S

    Let bullet turn off: 110 police equipment shown in Zhejiang

    I still question the usefulness't of those things in real combat situations(in army). I suppost Police could use those. BTW:I wouldn't say Hong Kong is that much more friendly then mainland cops. Last time I was in HK(1.years ago),the police officer was quite rude, and oddly too that he had...
  4. S

    Chinese Type-99 Tank Repair Chop

    "Bring us your type 99,T-90,M1 or even Leo 2, we can pimp your ride to a real lady or country killer" Norinco :woot:
  5. S

    Defense Minister Liang: China still 20 to 30 years behind in terms of weaponry

    Agree. Power corrupts. Like Imperium Japan. Or even better example,USofA. You ware a hero to the people and wakeup one day, find more then half the planet hate you...
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    Humorous "historical record" of Gate's China visit, in old Chinese

    Basicily consider a south park vision of Gate's visit to China. But chinese type. ^^
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    Humorous "historical record" of Gate's China visit, in old Chinese

    Nice text :D The text is little bit too "strong" for my taste. "健强者必终以销其迹,刚愎者尽毙于树其敌". Irony... But it would need quite some time if this is to be translated to...
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    Chinese Type-99 Tank Repair Chop

    or tank chopshop :D
  9. S

    What Do You Really Want from Us?

    Anybody found the original post of this text? On chinese sites,it was said it's on Whashington post,but I couldn't find it. Please post link if you find it.
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    China: a force fit for a superpower

    Thankyou for proving my point.
  11. S


    The fact about was EP-3 in Chinese airspace befor the collinsion is not clear. But it was spying on the island that was sure. It's pity PLAN lost a pilot. I think the case only show two things: 1.They really should sent Su-27,it should have survive the "bump" menuver,which soviet Su-27 done to...
  12. S

    China: a force fit for a superpower

    He is ofc does not represent the main chinese mindset:D That is why I bringup the age. Most young ppl are yelling about thing they are too lazy to findout or just "print out" thing they been told or read somewhere on the web. Which in most case is hardly the truth(or the whole truth). From...
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    Confirmed!!! The engine is WS-10G

    Why u would like to fit it to JF-17,when u are going to using J-10(A?/B?) anyway?
  14. S

    Photos of the Chinese Armed Forces

    Personal I pick G36c over that. Or the M416
  15. S

    ZBD05 Amphibious Infantry Fighting Vehicle

    Is it me,or does that missile look suspicioly like the old HJ-73(AT-3)?`:hang2:
  16. S

    What Do You Really Want from Us?

    Ofcourse China is supporting North Korea. The question is more like why shouldn't China supprt North Korea. It's in china's best interest to support it. If US can support Saddam when it good for US interest then China can do the same. And there is need to have a explanation for it. When US stop...
  17. S

    How long will Russia last?

    Russia have a quite long history. Anyone that ask the question "how long will Russia last" is just as bright as those american's highschool students that can't find it's own country on the map. It's same like ask how long would China or India last....LOL. Just like most european can't tell a...
  18. S

    China: a force fit for a superpower

    Base on their comment,I double many the chinese here are over 25. The lack of information and the basic idea of forming it's own opinion are core problem of chinese society. The idea of an different opinion is face with hate or ignorance(what ever side you on). To look at thing with logic or...
  19. S

    Taiwan has Confirmed Mass-Producing Cruise missiles

    Now that is insane idea :D Taiwan has to match nuke number with mainland for that idea to work. If there is a war(no nukes). Then Taiwan's hope is to do as much as dmg to PLAN as it can,not give lading zone to PLA marines(no lading zone mean no para drop too) and hold on as long as possible...
  20. S


    Not F-117. Mostlikely D21's. Just zoom in- The body of the drone is quite clear.
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