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  1. E

    India, a friend in need?

    Now that is a confident opinion I can work with. British's aid to India serves British interest first and foremost, so the aid will be there as long as it serves UK's interest, UK government alone will increase or decrease the aid number, it has nothing to do what India needs or wants. On...
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    India, a friend in need?

    are you implying you are confused as hell so you just throw a bunch of incoherent questions? is that a trick you learn from your master when the subcontinent was subjugated by the English? do you have an opinion that you can confidently put forth without having to hide it in a question?
  3. E

    India, a friend in need?

    you mean the "opium war" and "the century of humiliation"? don't worry, CCP and the new People's republic were born out of anti-colonialism and nationalism. these events are required material in high school text books and tested in college entrance exams, and you know how serious Chinese...
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    Sri Lanka raises rail speed with Indian help

    I for one am glad to see India has decided to join China's efforts in building better infrastructures for Sri Lanka, to the benefit of the people. In any case, For India, financing railway is a much needed change and improvement than financing Tamil separatists and terrorists. I applaud the new...
  5. E

    China opposes India's call for quick UNSC reforms

    to indians, if a Chinese in China takes a breathe, smokes a puff, or breaks a wind, then it's an "anti-india" move. so cry me a river, indians! because China isn't going to ask for India's permission every time China defends her own interest.
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    anything's possible, but an alliance of Taliban and US against China is very unlikely. Taliban's goal is to take power in Afghanistan, China has never stood in the way. In fact, for the brief period when Taliban was in control of Afghanistan government, China and the Taliban had amicable...
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    India has more claim over Tibet than China

    He's just buttering his master. what a despicable sycophant for a supposedly "holiness"!
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    U.K saying "NO" to East Asians

    the new policy is aimed at south aisans who bring over wives and husbands, it has little to do with east asians.
  9. E

    Dalai Lama's successor a Chinese agent in India?

    he's not necessarily stupid, he's just ignorant. but why try so hard to educate them which is to their benefit? under current geopolitical situation, it's not that bad to have an indai full of ignorants. :lol::lol:
  10. E

    China blocks 'Egypt' on microblogging service

    western media are full of bullshit, and indians are ignorantly eating them up
  11. E

    Xinjiang – China’s Muslim west

    this is a recent article about Xinjiang from Daily Times. The author was just writing about his travel experience and general impression about the region, but a side effect is that it dispels many lies western media propagated about China, even if that wasn't the author's intention. One-Child...
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    Xinjiang – China’s Muslim west

    Xinjiang – China’s Muslim west By Razi Azmi The Uighur language is written in the Arabic script, although it is a variant of Turkish which is now written in the Roman script. Uighur too was written in the Roman script from 1969 to 1983, when China’s leader Deng Xiaoping very cleverly...
  13. E

    China - Uighur teenager handed death sentence over ethnic riots

    murderers, drug dealers, rapists and corrupted officials are executed in China by law. Nobody's executed in China because of being Muslim. You've been fed a diet of lies. You need to think hard: What are the stories you heard? where are they from from? how did you reach a conclusion that's...
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    China - Uighur teenager handed death sentence over ethnic riots

    Also I hope Chinese authority caught the Uighur woman in this video at the 1:15 mark. If she's one of the two women mentioned in the RFA article, all the better. Nobody except those with the sickest mind would argue she shouldn't be persecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
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    China - Uighur teenager handed death sentence over ethnic riots

    This says all. It's a CIA/NED psy-op front, it's just doing its China bashing job. But if this is all the dirt our indian member can dredge up from the gutter about China, then China is doing pretty good. On the other hand, I am glad the murderers got caught, tried under the law and are...
  16. E

    Martin Jacques: Understanding the rise of China

    I can see in a not too distant future, the biggest ethnic minorities like Miao, Zhang etc will preserve their identities but not their culture. Their culture will become part of Chinese mainstream culture, not separate from it. But I can't see the same thing about Tibetan and Uighurs. Their...
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    Dalit Woman Resists Rape, Set Ablaze in Punjab

    this is sad. even sadder is the fact that it will happen again, and again.
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    President Hu goes to Washington

    I've seen the movie, sorry to tell this but all Indians are drowned like rats in the big flood, that's after some Indian science guy shared the knowledge of the Armageddon with the white American protagonist. now you know.
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    China supports India's desire ‘to play bigger role’ in UN Security Council

    so you know the problem, what's the solution?
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    Photos of the Chinese Armed Forces

    PLA is preparing for a cold war: This is what winter training for Chinese soldiers looks like - Shanghaiist :D:cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:
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