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  1. G

    Martian2's 'objective' views.

    You can't argue with religious fanatics, in Martian's case he have a shrine of J-20 pictures which he worship to everyday, any unbiased argument will be useless against these people, they even make up their own theories and excuses whenever someone rebuff them and are stubborn as mules, just...
  2. G

    China’s golden decade

    Actually they did, and one of their major roadblocks was Afghanistan with an eye on causing destabilization within China all the time, and then they always have proxy bases in Korea and Japan and have expanded their footprints there to contain China, so the game is still far from over.
  3. G

    Top 10 future weapons of CHINA

    It's related because China is able to cut back on alot of the time needed to produce their own jet fighter independently, by at least a decade or so, since she was under complete embargo by other countries, and we all know just how crucial those decade or so is to national security.
  4. G

    Top 10 future weapons of CHINA

    Are you denying history that after the fall of the soviet union China recruited thousands of Soviet scientist to sped up their military advances, many of those scientist are still given honorary positions in China today? So you are basically going to deny all those facts as well, because it...
  5. G

    Top 10 future weapons of CHINA

    You over nationalistic hermits, need to give credit where credit is due, Russian procurement has allowed the Chinese to close the technological gap with the West by at least 2 decades if not more. Now that the Chinese have all the knowledge ween from reverse engineering predominantly Russian...
  6. G

    Top 10 Martial Arts Schools in China

    Yes I am a 7th dan in Judo.
  7. G

    Top 10 Martial Arts Schools in China

    You know what's hilarious, you are promoting Chinese martial arts, yet the picture of what you posted seems to be that of a Karate, Taekwondo or Judo school.
  8. G

    Vietnam acknowledged Chinese sovereignty over South China Sea in 1958

    In case you haven't noticed the North were the victorious party during the Vietnam war, and are in control of the country to this day, so whatever they signed counts.
  9. G

    DF-21D Ant-Aircraft Carrie Missile officially confirmed!

    Gambit is a fake Viet, you should have deduced that by now.
  10. G

    Mullen: China now a world power.. Lol

    They never attacked China, they jointly ruled China after the death of Kublai Khan, and their most powerful admiral of all time happens to be Muslim.
  11. G

    China Warns U.S. To Stay Out Of Sea Dispute

    Well if the USA try to wade into this conflict, we will probably see a rerun of the Korean crisis where Chinese boats tail American aircraft carrier all the way through international waters, military tension runs high again and economic games played behind the scene like dumping the dollar, and...
  12. G

    China sends patrol ship into disputed South China Sea

    Hmm so from the UNCLOS line it looks like Vietnam have the weakest claim over any of these islands, and the Philippines are the one that should feel most aggrieved, interesting...
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