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  1. indianspetsnaz

    How long will Ocean remain Indian?

    India’s neglect of holistic strategic planning, intelligence, energy security, seapower and national security have again exposed our vulnerabilities, as shown by the following recent events: * On February 7, a coup in the Maldives ousted at gunpoint the country’s first elected President...
  2. indianspetsnaz

    ndia successfully test-fires missile interceptor

    BHUBANESWAR: India on Friday tested a ballistic missile interceptor from a defence base in Odisha to create a shield against incoming enemy missiles, a senior defence official said. The indigenous Advanced Air Defence (AAD) interceptor missile was fired from Wheeler Island off the state coast...
  3. indianspetsnaz

    column the Tejas may be a winner after all

    Livefist: COLUMN | The Tejas May Be A Winner
  4. indianspetsnaz

    Rafale selection influenced by corruption?

    From livefist. If the Indian M-MRCA fighter competition wasn't quite surreal enough, in comes an Indian politician-economist, notably re-energized by his current association with India's "anti-corruption" movement and India's monumental telecom scam investigation, to stir the pot some...
  5. indianspetsnaz

    calling all Cannabis users

    to all the cannabis users i ask what is your favorite method of enjoying cannabis? how often to do you enjoy cannabis and any tips or questions that the friendly community can answer? as for me i roll blunts daily as i have a medical card for cannabis i always use swisher sweets...
  6. indianspetsnaz

    Pakistani jokes

    1. Long lines ... A man standing in a long line for food tells the others in the line that he is leaving the line to go to shoot the president. He returns after a few hours and rejoins the line. Did you manage to kill him ?", everyone asks him. No, that line is longer than this one, he...

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