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  1. D

    PA Engineering Corps-query

    Hello there....ths is the first time im starting a topic or for tht matter posting sumthng on the forums...nt a new member tho :P.... so my question is tht i was thinking abt joining the engineering corp of the PA and i wanted to kno if the selection procedure for graduate engineers is...
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    Suicide missile jets

    btw if we can build indigenous UAVs thn y not a ucav??....i mean wat r constraints in building one??
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    Reason why PAF forced US to remove US/NATO ID from new PAK F16

    "Our gunners couldn't fire the weapon," the source recalled. "A notice came up on the display saying 'friendly aircraft.'" HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA The source said one Stinger surface-to-air missile was launched, but the projectile veered off course and struck a Hamas gunner squad. "The Stinger...
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    Suicide missile jets

    @zeb thng is tht another version of wat u suggestd is tht fully autonomous UCAV's cud be placed near the borders armd with air to air missiles....they wud be activated during a war........and cud be launched like missiles to reduce engagement time......
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    Dense Inert Metal Explosive (or DIME).

    hamas has nt provided proof bt some Norwegian medics in the field confirmed tht the injuries and amputations bore signs of DIME explosions. you can expect israel to use that type of explosive.....they were the ones who used white phosphor in civilian populated areas...
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    Integrating GUN In Rockets!!

    i wasnt talking abt launching ucav's frm airborne carriers.......i meant launching thm frm the ground using either mobile or fixd positions....kinda like anti air positions along the border....
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    Integrating GUN In Rockets!!

    bt cant we develop ucav's??.....the pressure gradients is nt the major issue.......tht cn be solvd.....
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    Integrating GUN In Rockets!!

    has anyone considered the slightly cheaper option??....UAV's??....alot of UAV's mounted on launchers......cud be launched like missiles..guided by radars to their target......and a single one cud take out multiple targets if its armed with appropriate air to air missiles......its a plausible...
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