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  1. Lilo

    Azim Premji is india's Bill Gates

    Only if others like the Ambanis could have treated their family fortune more as an issue of public responsibility and less as some personal privilege India would have been a better place for all. Still, all the multiplex condos on skyscrapers and the IPL teams they own can never match the...
  2. Lilo

    BBC World Service Poll - Survey of Country Wise Perceptions

    The latest survey of country wise perceptions by BBC. Full report pdf.
  3. Lilo

    The Swansong of the Scooter

    BBC News - The end for India's scooter romance? http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSBOM32109320091210 My father used to drive me around in one of these , but now its time for it to fade out. :what:
  4. Lilo

    interesting piece of tech -digital sense will be the sixth sense in the future

    Pranav Mistry: The thrilling potential of SixthSense technology | Video on TED.com I feel this + beagleboard will tear down the digital barriers through out the world (with no exception) - and its going to be open source once the cost of the microprojector is solved its going to be an...
  5. Lilo

    Astute Class Attack Submarine

    I'd soo like to have this sub in our navy :smitten: :cheesy:
  6. Lilo

    India Designs Next Generation Reactors

    I wonder if these FBRs work on Thorium yet..??
  7. Lilo

    India, China in clash at summit

    ------------- A highly sensationalist article but interesting though..
  8. Lilo

    India grants Rs 2610 cr package to Bhutan

    Hopefully our other allies or future allies in south asia will get such aid too... such gestures go a long way in cementing relationships..:tup:
  9. Lilo

    Maths `Nobel` for India-born professor

    Sad that we lost a generation of brilliant Indians to western countries... But i still have great hope that I'll see many home grown nobels form our generation anyways, my congratulations to you, sir :army:
  10. Lilo

    India: Support For Iranian SAARC Membership

  11. Lilo

    Israel to launch advanced spy sat using Indian Launcher..?

    If true its great news , I hope israel's trust in our launcher is well placed.
  12. Lilo

    Boeing offers joint prod of F-18 fighters in India.

    I wonder if joint production can result in cost/aircraft falling below 45 million $...? If its so ..then going for F18/E instead of mig35ovt will make sense for IAF . are they just up for display ? or is our govt looking to get these aircraft also.. does any one have any info on these..?

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