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African student in India, I'd never imagined so much racism in India


Nov 4, 2011
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African student in India, I'd never imagined so much racism in India

Comparing to the west and India, Chinese people are super friendly to Africans in China, to the point that some Africans become kind of arrogant in China, some of them leave a bad impression to the locals due to heavy drinking, late night binge parties, womanzing,petty crimes and drunk brawls. but by and large, most Africans in China are law abiding, nice folks.
Sorry to say but Africans in India are regularly found indulged in shady activities, so people somehow are prejudiced, plus you don't have much interaction with foreigners in India so that adds to it.
People can use whatever search string they feel to explore all sides of something to get a balanced view

Point is your cringe post at the top is typical to your spambot + assert reductive nonsense nature.

A typical propaganda video, why not just check out the individual black people's own vlogs on youtube to find out, not these propaganda editted , purposedly desiged crap.
African student in India, I'd never imagined so much racism in India

Many of the african students and african vistors ended up as drug peddlers . I know plenty of cases in bangalore, even student cases. Unfortunately drug laws are not very strict in india. so, more and more africans are into drug peddling in india(very lucrative) . So, nobody has any good opinion about Africans in india majorly due to drug peddling
Indians are taught racism, sexism and xenophobia from a very early age.
Students from Africa have much higher crime rates than international students from other regions. Their crimes include theft, robbery, fraud, drugs, sexual harassment, abuse of women, rape, illegal labor, violence, murder, HIV transmission ....

If someone sympathizes with black students, they should convince their country to open up and accept more black international students. Maybe a few years later, they will understand the problem and change their opinion.
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