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dont you have a brain! quote is there search find it lazy idiot! you are a waste time! go educate yourself!

no i cant find the quote, please mention da quote u loser
pathetic really Pakistani's are crying about the caliphate collapse while they cannot get their own house in order ? Fix Pakistan first then you worry about it.
sorry from our true brothers from Pakistan!!!!

but it seems not everyone Who has a flag of Pakistan in his avatar is the same!!!
i just wanted a quote not an encyclopedia you retard, im off
you cant understand/distinguish a book reference from a link?

jamil-ud-din Ahmad (ed.), Speeches and Writings of Mr. Jinnah, i (Lahore, I960), 68.

are you human? the rest is for your education if you have any will to educate your self about a subject that you have no idea!


go sit under the sign and read the book!
Brother Quasar Assalamu alaikum. I have elementary questions, sorry for my ignorance. I learnt that Zionist had a hand behind the fall of Ottoman Empire, the Khilafa of all muslims and Kamal Attaturk also worked to destroy the empire. Why? My next question is if Kamal Attaturk was so worried about turkey why not he helped the khilafa against the kuffar? I understand that he wanted secular Turkey. He actually cherished the western culture. After Turkey's birth as a new nation, even the athan was in Turkish language instead of Arabic. So much against islam. Even the head (Khilafa) was cut off from the body and the body was wasted. Then, why, even after knowing everything, Turkish people cherish and love him? Wasn't his deeds were alike of an enemy of islam?

when we lost the WWI what Allies planed was this


it is called Treaty of Sèvres! The Treaty of Sèvres (10 August 1920) was the peace treaty between the Ottoman Empire and Allies this was simply the end of Ottoman! sultan approved the treaty and stayed in Istanbul!

Istanbul and sultan were under allies control, after the country was partitioned by the Allies The Turkish National Movement (Kuva-yi Milliye) in Anatolia culminated in the formation of a new Grand National Assembly (GNA) by Mustafa Kemal Pasha and his colleagues! you can get basic info from here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turkish_War_of_Independence

Mustafa Kemal Pasha and his colleagues simply saved us!
he was the master-mind behind the War of Liberation!!! thats why Turkish society loves and respects him!

please forgive me I promise I will try to continue tomorrow brother! time is already late but there is so much to write! this gives a basic knowledge for now!
The real calipha was limited to calipha-i-rashidine only after that it was converted to dictatorship , people were not involved in decision making so that these dictatorships were destined to be doomed.

This was a ottoman dictatorship using name of calipaht.
So true..Muslims of then United India done a lot to Clash with Victorian Brits and try save the caliphate..My grand mother was a big fan of "Khilafat Movement" under the leadership of Yousufzai Cleric Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar

yes, in a small area from our region like 200 square kilometer , we lost 10000 young men .proud to say that my great grandfather also fought against the British. this clashes led the installation of more and more military camps in our region when they started more educational institutions in other parts of India .

but we didn't surrender our ideologies to Brits , we struggled back for education and actively participated in politics . and now our region is well educated and well developed. Mashaallah.
you are the owner of the islam,aren't you? you decide who is muslim or not.even instead of Allah(c.c),you have a scale to think yourself as a better Muslim then Atatürk.you are able to consider my opinions,my ideas and everything with your demolished brain cortex.

Sen benim muhattabım değilsin.Kendi inandığın ya da inandırıldığın tarih bilginle insanları yaftalamaya,suçlamaya,nefretini kusmaya devam et.zira benim bildiğim ve inandığım yüce islam dini senin gibi aklıevvel bilgisi az kişilerle münakaşa etmeme izin vermiyor.

Dostum ben sana hakaret etmedim.. "Sen cahil bir kemalistsin" demedim, "sen cahil bir kemalist misin?" diye sordum ve nefretimi ve eleştirimi çağdışı kanlı kemalizme yönelttim.. Kalbini kırmak istemem ama hızla ilerleyen bir dünyada kemalizmi mantıklı savunmak pek mümkün değil.. Çünkü o rejim bu koca milleti saraylardan alıp kulübeye hapsetmiştir.. Elbette farklı düşünebiliriz.. Hakaret etmedikten sonra da herkes herkesin konumuna ve düşüncesine saygı duymalıdır.. Ne "İslamın sahibi"yim, ne de "iyi" bir insanım.. Büyük bir ihtimalle de günahlarım seninkinden çoktur.. Tarih bilgime gelince, seninkinden iyi olduğunu düşünüyorum.. :)) Allah'a emanet ol.. Selamlar.. Sevgiler..

ya kardeşim sen atatürk'ü sevmezsen sevme.atatürk senin sevgine fln.da muhtaç değil ayrıca.hayır bir insan atatürk'ü sevip görüşlerine değer veremez mi?aynı zamanda da müslüman olamaz mı?kafanızda bir dünya kurmuşsunuz yok atatürk yahudiymiş,yok kemalistler ona tapıyormuş.ben kemalist fln.da değilim.ben bu memleketi o kansızlardan 'dahili ve harici' düşmanlardan kurtarıken en büyük mücadeleyi veren gazi mustafa kemal atatürk'e saygı duyuyorum.bir kere bu iftiraları atan insan müslüman olamaz olsa olsa münafık olur.konuşuyorsan belgeli konuşacaksın.eğer topluma böyle belgesiz uydurma nifakları yayıyorsan bunun bedelini her iki dünyada ödersin.o yüzden yazdıklarımıza söylediklerimize lütfen biraz dikkat edelim.
ya kardeşim sen atatürk'ü sevmezsen sevme.atatürk senin sevgine fln.da muhtaç değil ayrıca.hayır bir insan atatürk'ü sevip görüşlerine değer veremez mi?aynı zamanda da müslüman olamaz mı?kafanızda bir dünya kurmuşsunuz yok atatürk yahudiymiş,yok kemalistler ona tapıyormuş.ben kemalist fln.da değilim.ben bu memleketi o kansızlardan 'dahili ve harici' düşmanlardan kurtarıken en büyük mücadeleyi veren gazi mustafa kemal atatürk'e saygı duyuyorum.bir kere bu iftiraları atan insan müslüman olamaz olsa olsa münafık olur.konuşuyorsan belgeli konuşacaksın.eğer topluma böyle belgesiz uydurma nifakları yayıyorsan bunun bedelini her iki dünyada ödersin.o yüzden yazdıklarımıza söylediklerimize lütfen biraz dikkat edelim.

english plz
just little disagreement between two old friend who shared a marvelous heritage once.

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