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China — Not The US — Is Now The Global Leader In Science & Tech

I am trying to understand your point of view, so please try to explain better. After all, engineering is only one of the applied sciences, just like cryptography is applied mathematics.

The world's engineering achievements after World War II are based on the achievements of basic science before World War II.

The space shuttle computer Internet you mentioned is the result of engineering.

An exception here is information theory, which is a scientific achievement after World War II. However, it can also be considered as an achievement in the field of mathematics. And it was 1948, World War II had just ended.
The world's engineering achievements after World War II are based on the achievements of basic science before World War II.

LOL. Every layer of scientific developments relies on a foundation of prior scientific work. That is how foundations are built and then the buildings go on top, gradually increasing in height. Guess who said "if I have seen further than others, it is only by standing on the shoulders of giants" and when?
The world's engineering achievements after World War II are based on the achievements of basic science before World War II.
That is a nice sentiment, that each achievement is always built upon previous achievements from anywhere, but the harsh reality is that each engineering achievement is not done by 'the world' but by individual countries. The key is how long can a country sustain that list over time. Ideas are universal in that once an idea is in the wild, anyone can TRY to make use out of it. But application is where 'the world' truly benefit from that idea, and applications are made possible by hard working individuals, not by geniuses. The best we can say is seldom by geniuses, Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla are examples of this exceptionalism. Albert Einstein did not make 'The Bomb', but the men and women under Leslie Groves and Robert Oppenheimer did. Each of those men and women is smart in their niches and solved problems that occurred inside their boxes.

China can claim as many papers published as possible, but for now, it is the US that has the social, political, and economic environments that attracts people from geniuses to assemblers that make things. Credits goes to countries, not 'the world'.

LOL. Every layer of scientific developments relies on a foundation of prior scientific work. That is how foundations are built and then the buildings go on top, gradually increasing in height. Guess who said "if I have seen further than others, it is only by standing on the shoulders of giants" and when?

You completely misunderstand the quote. Think again. . .
illegal wetback border jumpers and hood ghettos african americans are breeding 10x faster than whites. Wonder what America is going to be like in 20yrs when whites are minorities

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