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Five Israeli Weapons of War Iran Fears: From F-15 Eagles to Nuclear Tipped Jericho Missiles

How come F-35 isn't mentioned? As for the article, i think the greatest fear for Iran would be US joining in. That would significantly tilt the balance towards Israel. Adding to that the fact that Iran does not have nuclear weapons while both US and Isreal do with the former actually the only country to ever use it against a nonnuclear country, and later with first use policy should put Iran at a significant disadvantage.
guess they shouldve never persued a nuclear weapons program
TOP 5 WEAPONS against Iran

1500 km Popeye-Turbo Submarine launched Cruise Missile
JERICHO Ballistic Missile with conventional or nuclear warhead
and Israeli Air Defense Systems ( IRON DOME , DAVID's SLING , ARROW-II/III ) to defend Israel from İranian Cruise and Ballistic Missiles
The most crucial part is an EMP device or a cyber attack.
How come F-35 isn't mentioned? As for the article, i think the greatest fear for Iran would be US joining in. That would significantly tilt the balance towards Israel. Adding to that the fact that Iran does not have nuclear weapons while both US and Isreal do with the former actually the only country to ever use it against a nonnuclear country, and later with first use policy should put Iran at a significant disadvantage.
Ya and thats why Iran is rightfully developing nukes, secretly.

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