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IPP supports Awn Chaudhry’s petition seeking PTI dissolution: Awan


Sep 26, 2018
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Says ECP could be approached for dissolution of PTI

Istehkam-e-Pakistan Party (IPP) Secretary Dr. Firdous Ashiq Awan on Thursday said that Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) should be immediately dissolved as it is promulgating anti-Pakistan agenda despite being a political entity.

She reacted to the petition filed by the party leader Awn Chaudhary in the Supreme Court (SC), calling for the dissolution of PTI.

She said Awn Chaudhary filed the petition in individual capacity and fulfilled his pledge of loyalty to the country.

She praised Chaudhary for responding to his conscience as a responsible citizen and political worker.

IPP official said that the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) could be approached for the dissolution of PTI.

Awan criticised PTI chairman, stating that his statements aimed to divide institutions and contained poisonous remarks against civil and military institutions on multiple occasions.

She further accused PTI of promoting anti-Pakistan ideas despite being a political party and emphasised the urgent need to dissolve such a party.

Highlighting the goals of IPP, she stated that their motto is to achieve a stable Pakistan, and they stand against any thought that weakens the foundation of the country.
Screw the sugar hoarder Aon Chaudhry. Lota Ashiq Awan & IPP lota5.

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