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Norouz at the tomb of Cyrus the Great

It's clear that you have no clue about the event then. Actually I think the people that believe in the 6 million figure are idiots and fools. Many people, not only Ahmadinejad who did it for political reasons, have cast doubt on the 6 million figure. Probably the only number in the WWII that has never been changed is the 6 million figure. All numbers during the WWII have been first highly exaggerated but later were changed to better approximations, the holocaust figure never changed. Even though that many numbers related to it changed but they always claim that those wrong numbers had never been used in the 6 million figure. LOL

If we want to talk about the holocaust, considering that it was the massacre of East Europeans, not only Jews, because many Slavs also died in the event, we should believe that the Nazi Germany has killed over 10 million people systematically. How? With gas chambers!!! The funny thing is that they believe over 11 to 18 million people have been killed in the holocaust, many of them were Slavs, Romans, Baltic people, dissabled people, etc, so there's a 7 million people range of error, but the only one that is fixed and is even stronger than the word of God is the 6 million Jewish figure. Give me a break.

The 6 million figure is a very weakly documented claim. It's more about propaganda than a claim though.

I think you're an idiot. You are not aware of the historical documents, testimonies or other evidence that concludes that approximately 6 millions Jews were killed during the Holocaust. Even most research confirms these kind of numbers. The main sources for these statistics are comparisons of prewar censuses with postwar censuses and population estimates. Nazi documentation containing partial data on various deportations and murders is also used. The figure commonly used is the six million established by the Nuremberg Tribunal in 1946 and repeated later by Adolf Eichmann, a senior SS official. Even high-ranking ex-Nazi officials subscribed these numbers.
No, but historical archives have them. I also don't have witnessed the Greek-Persian war, but we still know it happened.

No, much proof for it. Just open your eyes in stead of believing those revisionist idiots.
Yeah, but for the greek persian war we don't have crying moaning sobbing perisans or greeks shoving any NUMBERS down anyone's throat or in their education systems
I think you're an idiot. You are not aware of the historical documents, testimonies or other evidence that concludes that approximately 6 millions Jews were killed during the Holocaust. Even most research confirms these kind of numbers. The main sources for these statistics are comparisons of prewar censuses with postwar censuses and population estimates. Nazi documentation containing partial data on various deportations and murders is also used. The figure commonly used is the six million established by the Nuremberg Tribunal in 1946 and repeated later by Adolf Eichmann, a senior SS official. Even high-ranking ex-Nazi officials subscribed these numbers.
I don't think you're an idiot, I'm sure you are an idiot.
The testimonies and the Nurenberg tribunal are of 0 value logically. Also, the confession of Nazis is also of 0 value. All of them could be distorted. No independet research has verified the 6 million figure, because no independent research has ever been done. For the same reason that no one dares to cuss at Khamenei in Iran, no one dares to study the facts behind the holocaust because it could get you jailed for 2 years or more in countries like France
Confessions, testimonies, etc... are of no value. Especially taking the situation of Nazi officers and others after the end of the WWII.

Yeah, but for the greek persian war we don't have crying moaning sobbing perisans or greeks shoving any NUMBERS down anyone's throat or in their education systems

Don't answer the guy, he's retarded if he thinks the Greco-Persian wars have been well-documented. Most of the things we know about the Greco-Persian wars are mere lies. Like that the 1 million people Persian army got crashed by 300 brave Greeks. LOL. Whoever doesn't believe the story is an idiot because Herodotus have said so.
We don't have close approximations to reality even from the Iraq-Iran war that was only 2 decades ago. We don't have completely reliable numbers from the 2006 Lebanon Israel war that was just few years ago. Surely we have reliable numbers and stories from the Greco-Persian wars that were over a millenum ago.
Confessions, testimonies, etc... are of no value. Especially taking the situation of Nazi officers and others after the end of the WWII.

Wanted to respond on your idiotic reply, but I think this image will do:

not meant to interfere in iranian matters, its their own life, but should i ask, we in pakistan, bangladesh turkey etc etc gave up all our non muslim celebrations etc but its only 'islamic republic of iran' who celebrates this? isnt it hypocrisy?? and forgive me if some iranian feels offense


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I don't know about you guys and Muslims of India, but here in Bangladesh, we do celebrate the water festival that has been a part of culture for thousands of years way before Bengalis even became Muslims.

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