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Pakistan says no more drones may attack - and they attacked Pakistan


Jan 7, 2012
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Pakistan tells US to stop drone hits | The Nation

WASHINGTON - Pakistan on Tuesday told the United States it will no longer permits drones using its airspace to attack militants and collect intelligence on Qaeda and other groups, a media report said. Pakistan Ambassador to Washington Sherry Rehman met Vice President Joe Biden’s National Security Adviser Antony Blinken on March 9. She told him Pakistan’s political parties had agreed that the drone flights over Pakistan must end, the Bloomberg news service said, citing unnamed US officials.
that what your folks say everytime.....if u dont wont to bring them down...dont give such statements...they are a source of embarrassment for ordinary Pakistanis.....if u really mean it....then show us some firework:tup::agree:
These are for the consumption of the masses i believe as everyone here knows the truth :unsure: .
Heard this sh1t alot. Then after a month after another drone strike, the ambassador will say we will not allow any more drone strikes in Pakistan.
Kayani ko baisti karanay ka shauk hogaya hai.

Who listens to his bakwas - surely not the Americans - hopefully not the gullible awaam of Pakistan.

Till the Salala episode, I used to consider Kayani a behind the scenes performer who was focused on military stuff and not interfering in Politics.. But now, he just seems to be behind the scenes, period.. No performance..
After the Raymond Davis episode I was convinced that this lot is all hand in glove.
Such things now look like a joke.
mean when america will listen to us, she will do what ever she likes, we are good in making statements.
whenever some news like that pops up i remember the wikileaks 'the pak govt has the deal with US to carry on falsly opposing the drones in public'

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