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Top US general: China, Iran, Russia will be ‘problematic for many years to come’


Nov 4, 2011
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Top US general: China, Iran, Russia will be ‘problematic for many years to come’​


US General Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, testifies during a House Armed Services Committee hearing on the defense budget request on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, on March 29, 2023. (AFP)

on March 29, 2023

The top US military officer cautioned lawmakers on Wednesday about the growing cooperation between China, Iran and Russia, saying the three countries will pose a problem for Washington “for many years to come.”

General Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said that Russia and China are moving closer together, calling the development “troublesome.”

“I wouldn’t call it a true full alliance in the real meaning of that word, but we are seeing them moving closer together, and that’s troublesome,” CNN quoted Milley as saying during a House Committee on Armed Services hearing alongside Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin.

“And then… Iran is the third. So those three countries together are going to be problematic for many years to come I think, especially Russia and China because of their capability,” he added.

Milley said that China and Russia pose significant threats to US interests and way of life, and represent the first time the US is facing two major nuclear powers simultaneously.

During a separate hearing on Tuesday, he had expressed concerns about Iran’s potential to produce enough fissile material for a nuclear weapon “in less than two weeks” and create a nuclear weapon within a few months.

“The United States military has developed multiple options for our national leadership to consider if or when Iran decides to develop a nuclear weapon,” said Milley.

Why has he omitted India and Pakistan? India is a treacherous state and not sure how the US can trust them after all the scheming, backstabbing and double face Indians have showed. India sided with Iran, failed to support US in Afghanistan and have now sided with Russia as they indulge in cheap oil, gas and wheat. In an affront to US Indians recently told the US to f-off and said they were an independent sovereign state and not obliged to align strategy in the new world order.
Why has he omitted India and Pakistan? India is a treacherous state and not sure how the US can trust them after all the scheming, backstabbing and double face Indians have showed. India sided with Iran, failed to support US in Afghanistan and have now sided with Russia as they indulge in cheap oil, gas and wheat. In an affront to US Indians recently told the US to f-off and said they were an independent sovereign state and not obliged to align strategy in the new world order.
As long as India remains enemy of China, it's good enough for Yankees and the West to treat India as an ally. The overriding West's priority is to contain and put down China.
As long as India remains enemy of China, it's good enough for Yankees and the West to treat India as an ally. The overriding West's priority is to contain and put down China.

They're using Ukraine against Russia and Taiwan, India, Australia, Japan, S Korea against China. Once Chinese military becomes more stronger then China will expand it allies with security treaties, only then we will see the real China. Russia, Iran, Syria, N Korea, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Central Asia, ASEAN, Africa, Brazil, Srilanka, Myanmar, Thailand, Turkey will be close allies.

Top US general: China, Iran, Russia will be ‘problematic for many years to come’​


US General Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, testifies during a House Armed Services Committee hearing on the defense budget request on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, on March 29, 2023. (AFP)

on March 29, 2023

The top US military officer cautioned lawmakers on Wednesday about the growing cooperation between China, Iran and Russia, saying the three countries will pose a problem for Washington “for many years to come.”

General Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said that Russia and China are moving closer together, calling the development “troublesome.”

“I wouldn’t call it a true full alliance in the real meaning of that word, but we are seeing them moving closer together, and that’s troublesome,” CNN quoted Milley as saying during a House Committee on Armed Services hearing alongside Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin.

“And then… Iran is the third. So those three countries together are going to be problematic for many years to come I think, especially Russia and China because of their capability,” he added.

Milley said that China and Russia pose significant threats to US interests and way of life, and represent the first time the US is facing two major nuclear powers simultaneously.

During a separate hearing on Tuesday, he had expressed concerns about Iran’s potential to produce enough fissile material for a nuclear weapon “in less than two weeks” and create a nuclear weapon within a few months.

“The United States military has developed multiple options for our national leadership to consider if or when Iran decides to develop a nuclear weapon,” said Milley.

Seriously though. Many wrong points here(I guess he did this intentionally).
For one Iran is a regional threat nowhere near a global one.
Secondly, it's actually in bad faith to say China has any sort of military ties with Iran to be honest. The US seems to want to badmouth and inflate the Chinese threat theory. China has been a rather reserved power to be honest, they haven't and don't want to get involved in any military issues outside their immediate neighbourhood or abroad for that matterand rhey dont intend to do so anytime soon. There is nothing whatsoever to suggest China is involved with Iran in anything military, much less to use against US interest in the region.
In fact China didn't even support Iran and Russia intervention in Syria and they refused to provide any military aid or get involved militarily there to help Russia and Iran. Similarly, they refused until now to support Russias invasion of Crimea and still don't recognise Crimea as part of Russia to this day. Moreover, need I mention the they are still against Russias invasion of Ukraine since they have refused to supply even single bullet to Russia despite Russias desperate need for support and military supplies , so much that Russia has to rely on lesser powers like Iran and North Korea for military supplies/aid. Lol
So the US inflating the Chinese threat more than it is in this regard. So we shouldbt mixed things together and make silly assumptions rather analyse things for what they are and act accordingly.
For Russia, the threat they pose is mostly in a specific area/region not a global as well, given the country's weak economic and financial position, and their declining military power which has shown its limits in the Ukrainian conflict coupled with the country increasing isolation and sanctions which will become its new normal. So its even more unlikely they can be a major global threat for the US/West going forward in future. They will have to rely on China for that.
The only part we can agree on is that Russia is now more willing to work with Iran more militarily since they dont have a choice now, so they might be more willing to supply Tehran with fighter jets which Tehran badly needs given the desperate and backward state of its airforce. So I can see more of Russian/Iran military cooperation.

So US military leaders are just flaming threat theories to get more budget as usual. Many things he said doesn't add up.

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