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When consulates block the development of Iran-Pakistan relations.


Apr 14, 2016
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مشکلات فراوان صدور ویزا در مشهد برای ایرانی‌ها و در لاهور برای پاکستانی‌ها
شناسه خبر: 1521610 سرویس: بین الملل
۲۶ شهريور ۱۳۹۶ - ۱۳:۴۰

متاسفانه چندی است اخباری که از روند صدور ویزا در کنسولگری‌های ایران و پاکستان به گوش می‌رسد سنخیتی با روابط دوستانه دو ملت ندارد.
به گزارش دفتر منطقه‌ای خبرگزاری تسنیم دو ملت ایران و پاکستان به لطف داشتن بیش از 900 کیلومتر مرز مشترک و اشتراکات فراوان دینی، اعتقادی ، فرهنگی و... سال‌هاست برادارنه در کنار هم زندگی می‌کنند.

کیست که فراموش کند ایران نخستین کشوری بود که پاکستان را به رسمیت شناخت و پاکستان نیز اولین کشوری بود که انقلاب اسلامی ایران را به رسمیت شناخت؟

کیست که نداند که در دشمنی با رژیم صهیونیستی فقط و فقط ایران و پاکستان هستند که هنوز هم بعد از گذشت سال‌ها با هم متحدند؟

و کیست که نداند پاکستان خانه شاعران بزرگی چون اقبال لاهوری است که خطاب به پارسی زبانان می‌گوید «ای جوانان عجم جان من و جان شما »و مگر ملک‌الشعرای بهار نسرود « همیشه لطف خدا باید یار پاکستان/ به کین مباد فلک، با دیار پاکستان».

متاسفانه چندی است اخباری که از روند صدور ویزا در کنسولگری‌های ایران و پاکستان به گوش می‌رسد سنخیتی با روابط دوستانه دو ملت ندارد.

سرکنسولگری پاکستان در مشهد مقدس با روند بسیار سخت اداری و ایجاد موانع فراوان برای اتباع ایرانی که قصد عزیمت به پاکستان را دارند مشکل‌آفرین شده است.

و در مقابل سرکنسولگری ایران در شهر لاهور هزاران زائری که قصد سفر به عتبات عالیات دارند را به شرکت‌های ثالثی ارجاع می‌دهد که برخی از آنها هیچ تناسب اعتقادی با زیارت و عقاید شیعی ندارند.

سرکنسولگری پاکستان در مشهد مقدس تحقیقات امنیتی و دستورات وزارت خارجه پاکستان را بهانه کرده و ویزا صادر نمی‌کند.

و در مقابل سرکنسولگری ایران در شهر لاهور شرایط مالی برای صدور ویزا قرار داده است که زوار توان پرداخت آن را نداشته و طبیعتا صورت مسئله (دریافت ویزا) برای آنان پاک می‌شود. این درحالی است که پاکستانی‌هایی که قصد سفر به اروپا را دارند با پرداخت مبالغی هنگفت امکان سفر را پیدا می‌کنند.

سرکنسولگری پاکستان نسبت به تمام ایرانی‌هایی که قصد سفر به پاکستان دارند نگاه امنیتی داشته و تنها پس از گذراندن مصاحبه‌های سخت و حضوری برای تعداد محدود ویزا صادر می‌کند، گفتنی است این مشکل برای هیات رسمی و شخصیت‌های شناخته شده نیز وجود دارد و از آنها درخواست مکاتبه رسمی وزارت خارجه ایران را می‌‌‌شود.

در مقابل سرکنسولگری ایران در لاهور از زائرین که اغلب از اقشار ضعیف جامعه هستند درخواست چک ضمانتی برای بازگشت می‌‌کند، این درحالی است که افرادی که قصد سفر غیرقانونی از ایران به اروپا رادارند با خرید ویزا از ارائه چک ضمانت برگشت معاف می‌شوند.

سرکنسولگری پاکستان در مشهد رفتارهای ناپسندی نسبت به اتباع پاکستانی نیز داشته و به خصوص طلاب جامعه المصطفی در تیررس سوالات بی‌ارتباط افراد وابسته به سازمان‌های اطلاعاتی این کشور هستند.

از سوی دیگر سرکنسولگری ایران در لاهور محدودیت‌های فراوانی را در مورد آزمایشات پزشکی زوار اعلام کرده‌اندکه منجر به ایجاد بازار سیاه و فعال شدن دلالان سودجو شده است. این در حالی است که هزینه بیمه نیز از زوار دریافت می‌شود ولی در طول دوران سفر هیچ تعهدی نسبت به پرداخت غرامت به وی وجود ندارد.

هدف صرفا بیان مشکل نیست چرا که این گونه مشکلات سال‌هاست مانع جدی پیشرفت روابط دو کشور بوده و هست، بلکه با همت وزارتخانه‌های خارجه دو کشور ایران و پاکستان باید فکری جدی برای حل این معضل صورت بگیرد.

با نزدیک شدن ایام اربعین حسینی و آگاهی زوار پاکستانی نسبت به این موضوع که ده‌ها هزار زائر برای دریافت ویزا به سفارت و کنسولگری‌های ایران در پاکستان مراجعه می‌کنند از همینک تکاپو و اضطراب فراوانی بین آنان به وجود آمده است که آیا امسال می‌توانند ویزا دریافت کنند یا خیر.

گفتنی است طی روزهای اخیر نشستی با حضور 120 تن از روسای کاروان‌های زیارتی پاکستانی در لاهور برگزار شد که در بیانیه مشترک این اجلاس هم به مشکلات فوق اشاره شده است.
Translation for those who cant Understand Persian

Thanks to having more than 900 kilometers of common borders and many common religious, religious, cultural and ... borders, Bardarran has been living together for years, thanks to the two nations of Iran and Pakistan.

Who would forget that Iran was the first country to recognize Pakistan and Pakistan was also the first country to recognize the Islamic revolution of Iran?

Who does not know that in the hostility with the Zionist regime, only Iran and Pakistan are still united after many years?

And who does not know Pakistan is the home of great poets such as Iqbal Lahouri, who tells Persian speakers, "O my youth, my soul and your soul", and except for the miracles of the spring of Nasrud, "Always thanks to Allah should be Pakistan's sake / to the Kain of the Fascist, with Pakistan's Diyar" .

Unfortunately, the news that comes from the issuance of visa at the consulates of Iran and Pakistan is not similar to the friendly relations of the two nations.

The Consulate General of Pakistan in Mashhad has suffered from a very hard administrative process and has created many barriers for Iranian citizens who intend to leave for Pakistan.

And in front of the Consulate General of Iran in the city of Lahore, thousands of pilgrims intending to travel to the Atabat Higher are referring to third parties, some of which do not fit into the beliefs of Shiite pilgrimages.

The Consulate General of Pakistan in Mashhad harbored security investigations and orders from the foreign ministry of Pakistan, and does not issue a visa.

And in front of the Consulate General of Iran in Lahore, he has placed financial conditions for the issuance of a visa that can not afford to pay, and naturally the issue will be cleared for them. This is while the Pakistanis who plan to travel to Europe have the opportunity to travel with huge sums.

The Consulate General of Pakistan has a security look at all Iranians who travel to Pakistan, and only after issuing strict interviews and in person for a limited number of visas, it is said that there is a problem for the official and well-known personalities, and they ask for correspondence Officials of Iran's foreign ministry.

In front of the Consulate-General of Iran in Lahore, pilgrims, who are often poor members of the community, require a Czech guarantee to return, while those who intend to travel illegally from Iran to Europe will be exempted from providing a return guarantee check by buying a visa.

The Pakistani Consulate General in Mashhad has also been disrespectful towards Pakistani citizens, and in particular, al-Mustafa's students are in trouble to interrupt the affiliations of individuals affiliated with the country's intelligence agencies.

On the other hand, the Consulate General of Iran in Lahore has announced a lot of restrictions on Zawar medical examinations, which has led to the creation of a black market and the activation of profitable brokers. This is while the cost of insurance is received from the wageholder, but during the travel period there is no obligation to compensate him.

The goal is not just to express the problem, since such problems have been a serious obstacle to the development of relations between the two countries for many years, but with the cooperation of the foreign ministries of the two countries, Iran and Pakistan should seriously address this problem.

With the coming of Arbaeen Hosseini and the Pakistani villain's awareness that tens of thousands of pilgrims are visiting Iran's embassy and consulates in Pakistan for visas, they have been struggling now and there has been a lot of anxiety about whether they can get a visa this year or No

During the recent days, a meeting was held with the presence of 120 Pakistani pilgrimage vice chairmen in Lahore, which was mentioned in the joint statement of the meeting.
The problem is pilgrimage being used for militant training of Pakistanis and even smuggling of Pakistanis to conflict zones..
The problem is pilgrimage being used for militant training of Pakistanis and even smuggling of Pakistanis to conflict zones..

I don't find anything wrong in that since the individual is wiling and no one can refrain him from such a Holy cause to annihilate a virus like ISIS and to guard the shrine of Bibi Zeinab A.S. Even if Saudis train youth to fight against IS. I'd have no objedtion over it.
I don't find anything wrong in that since the individual is wiling and no one can refrain him from such a Holy cause to annihilate a virus like ISIS and to guard the shrine of Bibi Zeinab A.S. Even if Saudis train youth to fight against IS. I'd have no objedtion over it.

Shouldn't that be the job of the brave Assads Arab Syrian Army or Syrians to do themselves !
And our Pakistani pilgrims if that's what they are calling themselves stick to what pilgrims do . Pakistani s have no business in Syria killing them
Shouldn't that be the job of the brave Assads Arab Syrian Army or Syrians to do themselves !
And our Pakistani pilgrims if that's what they are calling themselves stick to what pilgrims do . Pakistani s have no business in Syria killing them

Syria was at collapse. SAA was outnumbered and it had to counter Turkish and Israeli threat along. It was an obligatory Jehad against Takferism where no one is bound by their Nationality. If Syria had fell. There would've been our turn one day. But some Desi Gouras can't get it. Stay wannabe.
I don't find anything wrong in that since the individual is wiling and no one can refrain him from such a Holy cause to annihilate a virus like ISIS and to guard the shrine of Bibi Zeinab A.S. Even if Saudis train youth to fight against IS. I'd have no objedtion over it.

If you knew the kind of opinions Syrians have towards Pakistani outside this forum..you will not have posted such comment..

Syria was at collapse. SAA was outnumbered and it had to counter Turkish and Israeli threat along. It was an obligatory Jehad against Takferism where no one is bound by their Nationality. If Syria had fell. There would've been our turn one day. But some Desi Gouras can't get it. Stay wannabe.

You should know well the history of Syria funding terrorism inside Pakistan. Al Zulfikar Organisation...
Syria was at collapse. SAA was outnumbered and it had to counter Turkish and Israeli threat along. It was an obligatory Jehad against Takferism where no one is bound by their Nationality. If Syria had fell. There would've been our turn one day. But some Desi Gouras can't get it. Stay wannabe.

Omg . I will try . Syrian army struggled due to declaring war on there own people causing so much pain and suffering forcing Syrians to fight back are you that stupid not understand people want freedom . desi are lol
Experts yep
If you knew the kind of opinions Syrians have towards Pakistani outside this forum..you will not have posted such comment..

You should know well the history of Syria funding terrorism inside Pakistan. Al Zulfikar Organisation...

Al Zulfiqar is pretty much old story. That was a diplomatic failure and shortly fixed. Please come up with something better. I know many Syrians and they acknowledge the sacrifices of Pakistani fighters. Again, if they do not know about Pakistan. That's our failure not their. Btw. What do Saudis think about Pakistan Lol?

Omg . I will try . Syrian army struggled due to declaring war on there own people causing so much pain and suffering forcing Syrians to fight back are you that stupid not understand people want freedom . desi are lol
Experts yep

Please come up with something else. That's a rotten theory.
Omg . I will try . Syrian army struggled due to declaring war on there own people causing so much pain and suffering forcing Syrians to fight back are you that stupid not understand people want freedom . desi are lol
Experts yep

Did Syrian people smuggled all these weapons from Iraq just before the conflict started?
March 10 - 2011
800px-Arms_from_Iraq_1_-_March_7_2011.jpgArms_from_Iraq_2_-_March_7_2011.jpg Arms_from_Iraq_3_-_March_7_2011.jpg Arms_from_Iraq_4_-_March_7_2011.jpg

Or it was Syrian people whom armed people in Omari mosque?

Anwar_al-Eshki_–_armed_from_the_begining.jpg article-1369167-0B4CD06700000578-861_634x450.jpg

Do you know this guy? he is former Saudi general Dr. Anwar Eshki :

Former Saudi general Dr. Anwar Eshki (center, in striped tie) and other members of his delegation, meet with Israeli Knesset members and others during a visit to Israel on July 22, 2016. (via Twitter)


Israel’s Foreign Ministry Director-General Dore Gold and former Saudi government adviser Anwar Eshki shake hands in Washington DC, June 4, 2015 (Debby Communications Group)

Was Syrian the so-called revolution peaceful from beginning?

7 Syrian policemen killed in Sunday clashes, report

Then who was kilning Syrian army troops while it was peaceful protests?whom armed these people?

Syria: The hidden massacre

But even more startling than actually finding the 19 Daraa soldiers on a list, was the discovery that in April 2011, eighty-eight soldiers were killed by unknown shooters in different areas across Syria.

Keep in mind that the Syrian army was mostly not in the field that early on in the conflict. Other security forces like police and intelligence groups were on the front lines then – and they are not included in this death toll.

The first Syrian soldiers to be killed in the conflict, Sa’er Yahya Merhej and Habeel Anis Dayoub, were killed on March 23 in Daraa.

Two days after those first military casualties, Ala’a Nafez Salman was gunned down in Latakia.

On April 9, Ayham Mohammad Ghazali was shot dead in Douma, south of Damascus. The first soldier killing in Homs Province – in Teldo – was on April 10 when Eissa Shaaban Fayyad was shot.

April 10 was also the day when we learned of the first massacre of Syrian soldiers – in Banyas, Tartous – when nine troops were ambushed and gunned down on a passing bus.

After the Banyas slayings, soldier deaths in April continued to pop up in different parts of the country – Moadamiyah, Idlib, Harasta, al-Masmiyah (near Suweida), Talkalakh and the suburbs of Damascus.

But on April 23, seven soldiers were slaughtered in Nawa, a town near Daraa. Those killings did not make the headlines like the one in Banyas. Notably, the incident took place right after the Syrian government tried to defuse tensions by abolishing the state security courts, lifting the state of emergency, granting general amnesties and recognizing the right to peaceful protest.

Two days later, on April 25 – Easter Monday – Syrian troops finally moved into Daraa. In what became the scene of the second mass slaying of soldiers since the weekend, 19 soldiers were shot dead that day.

This information also never made it to the headlines.”

…the April 10 shootings of the nine soldiers on a bus in Banyas was an unprovoked ambush. So, for instance, was the killing of General Abdo Khodr al-Tallawi, killed alongside his two sons and a nephew in Homs on April 17. That same day in the pro-government al-Zahra neighborhood in Homs, off-duty Syrian army commander Iyad Kamel Harfoush was gunned down when he went outside his home to investigate gunshots. Two days later, Hama-born off-duty Colonel Mohammad Abdo Khadour was killed in his car. And all of this only in the first month of unrest.

In 2012, HRW’s Syria researcher Ole Solvag told me that he had documented violence “against captured soldiers and civilians” and that “there were sometimes weapons in the crowds and some demonstrators opened fire against government forces.”

Syrian-based Father Frans van der Lugt was the Dutch priest murdered by a gunman in Homs just a few weeks ago. His involvement in reconciliation and peace activities never stopped him from lobbing criticisms at both sides in this conflict. But in the first year of the crisis, he penned some remarkable observations about the violence – this one in January 2012:

“From the start the protest movements were not purely peaceful. From the start I saw armed demonstrators marching along in the protests, who began to shoot at the police first. Very often the violence of the security forces has been a reaction to the brutal violence of the armed rebels.”

In September 2011 he wrote: “From the start there has been the problem of the armed groups, which are also part of the opposition…The opposition of the street is much stronger than any other opposition. And this opposition is armed and frequently employs brutality and violence, only in order then to blame the government.”

Certainly, by June 5, there was no longer any ability for opposition groups to pretend otherwise. In a coordinated attack in Jisr Shughur in Idlib, armed groups killed 149 members of the security forces

Discussion about the role of provocateurs in stirring up conflict has made some headlines since Estonian Foreign Minister Urmas Paet’s leaked phone conversation with the EU’s Catherine Ashton disclosed suspicions that pro-west snipers had killed both Ukranian security forces and civilians during the Euromaidan protests.

Says Paet: “All the evidence shows that people who were killed by snipers from both sides, among policemen and people from the streets, that they were the same snipers killing people from both sides…and it’s really disturbing that now the new (pro-western) coalition, they don’t want to investigate what exactly happened.” “​

who were these armed groups entering Syria in May and April 2011,

Surprise Video Changes Syria "Timeline"


And why the US ambassador Stevens in Libya ( the official U.S. liaison to the al-Qaeda-linked Libyan opposition) back in March 2011 efforts led to Libyan ship "carrying the largest consignment of weapons for Syria docking in Turkey." The shipment reportedly weighed 400 tons and included SA-7 surface-to-air anti-craft missiles and rocket-propelled grenades

How US Ambassador Chris Stevens May Have Been Linked To Jihadist Rebels In Syria
And why despite all propaganda Syrian still wanted to see Assad as the head of their state?

Most Syrians back President Assad, but you'd never know from western media

Media White-Washing The White House On Syria
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Okay it's very constructive neutral views I see okay
It does not change millions of patriotic Syrians now driven out from their country or killed by ASAd defender of ASSAD !
Where now he's employees foreign mercenaries and there weapons to kill Syrians with barbaric Russian air strikes to Afghani savages and sadLy pakistaniS brain dEad
Your copy and waste Can easily include ASAd Iran hizbullah in it
Salam Qamar
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Okay it's very constructive neutral views I see okay
It does not change millions of patriotic Syrians now driven out from their country or killed by ASAd defender of ASSAD !
Where now he's employees foreign mercenaries and there weapons to kill Syrians with barbaric Russian air strikes to Afghani savages and sadLy pakistaniS brain dEad
Your copy and waste Can easily include ASAd Iran hizbullah in it
Salam Qamar

Since 2012 we've called out for a free and fair election, no one payed attention.
Iran and Turkey's secret talks on Syria revealed

The plan envisaged a ceasefire followed by a national unity government and constitutional reform aimed at constraining presidential powers. Most importantly, there would then be presidential and legislative elections under UN supervision. The plan was the subject of several months of shuttle diplomacy between the Iranian foreign minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif, and his Turkish counterpart, Ahmet Davutoğlu, but it eventually collapsed over the future role of the Syrian president, Bashar al-Assad.

“We agreed on every detail, except a clause in the final phase of the plan which called for UN-monitored elections. Turkish leaders wanted Assad barred,” Zarif is quoted as saying in the report. “I noted that this should not be a concern in an internationally monitored election, particularly if, as Turkey holds, Assad has a dreadful record and a minority constituency. But Davutoğlu refused... and our efforts came to naught.”

The Turkish president at the time, Abdullah Gül, told the ICG “our government did not pursue an agreement with Iran because it thought Assad would be toppled in a few months”.

“From Ankara’s perspective, Assad’s battlefield losses would remove need to compromise or at least improve a deal’s terms,” the report said.

And still in 2017 we're calling for a free and fair election which in Syrian people would participate and form and shape their own future through ballot boxes not bullets.

And funny thing is back in 2012-13 Assad was losing , we called out for free and fair election now in 2017 Assad has retaken Syrian major city and no one thinks of his removal again we call out for free and fair election.

And on the foreign mercenaries and barbaric Russian troops, they've have managed to eradicated many parts of Syria from isis while many of them lost their life to prevent isis spread:

Dec 2015
december 2015.png
Sep 2017
Sep 2017.jpg

And when you talk about the foreign mercenaries you should realize that are many foreign mercenaries on the other side too:

Foreign Fighters in Syria.jpg

Who facilitated presence of these terrorist in Syria? and why?

And who are these rebels? FSA?





US Ambassador to Syria Robert Ford (left frame above, standing by FSA Col. Okaidi), who worked closely with Okaidi, himself admitted to giving material support to ISIS and al-Nusra, stating that he “absolutely does not deny” knowing that most of the rebels he backed fought alongside ISIS and Nusra.

And this how American described general situation in Syria (DOD of the US):

The other beheaders
The Syrian town that is IS’s proto-capital, say all 12 of the judges who now run its court system, adjudicating everything from property disputes to capital crimes, are Saudis. The group has also created a Saudi-style religious police, charged with rooting out vice and shooing the faithful to prayers. And as in IS-ruled zones, where churches and non-Sunni mosques have been blown up or converted to other uses, Saudi Arabia forbids non-Muslim religious practice. For instance, on September 5th Saudi police raided a house in Khafji, near the Kuwaiti border, and charged 27 Asian Christians with holding a church ceremony.

About the foreign mercenaries, you know who is father of ISIS?

Abu Musab al-Zarqawi establishes al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) in 2004

he allegedly carried out a car-bomb attack at the Jordanian embassy in Baghdad. Twelve days later, he was linked to the bombing of the United Nations headquarters, in which twenty-two people died. And on August 29, in what was then the deadliest attack of the war, he engineered the killing of over a hundred people, including a revered cleric, the Ayatollah Muhammad Baqr al-Hakim, in a car bombing outside Shia Islam’s holy shrine in Najaf. The suicide bomber in that attack was Yassin Jarad, from Zarqa. He was al-Zarqawi’s father-in-law.​

Under al-Zarqawi, al Qaeda in Iraq tries to spark a sectarian war against the majority Shia community. Al-Zarqawi is killed in a US strike in 2006 . Abu Ayyub al-Masri takes his place as leader of AQI. Al-Masri announces the creation of Islamic State of Iraq (ISI), and establishes Abu Omar al-Baghdadi as its leader in 2006, April 2010 - Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi becomes leader of ISI after Abu Omar al-Baghdadi and al-Masri are killed in a joint US-Iraqi operation.
In April 2013 - ISI declares its absorption of an al Qaeda-backed militant group in Syria, Jabhat al-Nusra, also known as the al-Nusra Front. Al-Baghdadi says that his group will now be known as Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL or ISIS).

Who is Abu Musab al-Zarqawi and where exactly he was trained?

On a cold and blustery evening in December 1989, Huthaifa Azzam, the teenage son of the legendary Jordanian-Palestinian mujahideen leader Sheikh Abdullah Azzam, went to the airport in Peshawar, Pakistan, to welcome a group of young men. All were new recruits, largely from Jordan, and they had come to fight in a fratricidal civil war in neighboring Afghanistan—an outgrowth of the CIA-financed jihad of the 1980s against the Soviet occupation there.

The men were scruffy, Huthaifa mused as he greeted them, and seemed hardly in battle-ready form. Some had just been released from prison; others were professors and sheikhs. None of them would prove worth remembering—except for a relatively short, squat man named Ahmad Fadhil Nazzal al-Khalaylah.

He would later rename himself Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.

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