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Gilgit-Baltistan's liberation

You are taking it to a new high....
Believe me,India wasn't in the picture
Even this article proves that....

The Muslim generals of the Maharaja didn't wanted that the Maharaja should accede J&K to India but they failed to notice that Maharaja had other intentions .....maybe to rule the place for a longer period......

It is also mentioned that Maharaja acceded to India under pressure which indicates there was never a plan to accede to India....
and where did you get the idea that he would have massacred his own people....

India sure wouldn't have wanted Pakistan to get an hold on Kashmir but an independent Kashmir was very much in the table

Independent Kashmir was never a possibility since each and every state had to join Pakistan or Kashmir as per partition plan. As for India. It was always in the picture. If India wouldn't be in the picture, it wouldn't have sent it forces to Srinagar even before signing of the accession by the Hindu Raja. This shows desperation and real intent of Indian state. India always wanted to occupy whole of Kashmir and doing nothing would have been the biggest blunder by Pakistan. Fortunately Pakistan despite opposition by that idiot General Gracie acted quickly and secured areas of GB and AJK or else it would have been no GB And Ajk for Pakistan and no border with China. We saved GB and AJK from hands of Hindu raja.

As for from where we get the idea that he would massacre his own people. We got the idea since he was already massacring his own people and changed the demographics of Jammu region even before any tribal set his foot in the Kashmir region. So our doubts and apprehensions towards both Hindu raja and Hindu India were 101% justified.
No it wasn't .. Try Nehru or Patels statements from that era !

Even if the Maharaja hadn't ceeded to india (which itself was wrong - bcoz it was to be given to Pak due to its clear muslim majority)... The indians would have occupied it like they did with Hyderabad,Junagarh etc.

Meanwhile the local Rajas like Raja of patiala was already helping ghulab sing militarily (in massacring KAshmiris).

Zafarwal area is still the major route to IOK.
Annexation of Hyderabad makes sense....
it wasn't a good idea to let it remain independent landlocked by India on 4 sides....

Kashmir was a different case.

I m not sure about the killings .....I haven't heard about it....I Will read about it b4 commenting
Yup several neutral sources are also present on internet about Jammu massacre.

Millions of ppl from the valley were forced to seek refugee is Jhelum valley .. The burning villages of Kashmir could been seen from the mountains of Murree.. These are all facts which indians will never accept!

Annexation of Hyderabad makes sense....
it wasn't a good idea to let it remain independent landlocked by India on 4 sides....

Kashmir was a different case.

I m not sure about the killings .....I haven't heard about it....I Will read about it b4 commenting

Try Junagarh ? That again was a muslim ruled state bordering Pak whose ruler had ceeded with Pak but was invaded by india... The flag of junagarh still flies at junagarh house in Karachi.
Millions of ppl from the valley were forced to seek refugee is Jhelum valley .. The burning villages of Kashmir could been seen from the mountains of Murree.. These are all facts which indians will never accept!

Yup. The whole demographics of Jammu was changed. The muslims were made minority in various districts, towns and villages. Those scumbags of RSS were also involved in it.

Indians obviously hide this massacre for obvious reasons. There history of Kashmir starts with Tribal invasion of Kashmir. As many say. Half truth = Worst than full lie. Same applies here.
Demographics also got skewed cuz many ppl migrated from kashmir to pakistan ,around millions to save their lives and families.
Alone in48 there was a lot of migration.

Why india loves killing people.?

That is a fantastic effort - I loved reading that. I can't believe your 17. You are a very bright boy and if you ever come to UK you must let me know. Hope to see more good stuff from you.
P.S: WAJaal I would suggest you read "Crossed Swords" .. It's probably the best and most neutral book out there on our mistakes ...
I certainly will .

Aakhir @WAJsal bhai kisss ka hain na ? :azn:
sher ka bhai hon . Bus nam us ka Armstrong hai.

That is a fantastic effort - I loved reading that. I can't believe your 17. You are a very bright boy and if you ever come to UK you must let me know. Hope to see more good stuff from you.
Thank you for the kind words . I just wanted to share something informative with you all . In fact many of us don't know how and when G-B got liberated .
You are a very bright boy and if you ever come to UK you must let me know.
Thank you . It might just be possible , see my father is one of those who started from the scratch , went the journey bankrupted ,cheated , now he doesn't believe in me or my brother's and sister having a future in Pakistan . I think i'll finish my A levels and make further plans .
Have a good day.
The scouts and the locals saved themselves and liberated GB, there was no direct help from Pakistan .

Yup GB guys fought on their own. But for AJK we had to fought.
The scouts and the locals saved themselves and liberated GB, there was no direct help from Pakistan .
Did GB ppl also fight for AJK, this part i wanted to know?

Didnt the entire gb and ajk battle started off at the same time?

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