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Who is Fighting Who in Syria?


Nov 1, 2015
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United States
Few hours ago, I came across a video of AJ+, showing just a month old baby girl, pulled out by the rescue volunteer from the rubble in Syria. It was so heartbreaking and is not the only video from Syria made me cry or enough painful to make anyone else cry.
She was under the rubble for 2 hours. And I failed to understand her mistake or crime. What harm she has caused to USA, Russia, Iran, KSA, or whoever is involved in this war.
She is born to a Muslim family? One sect or the other? She is born in Syria?
What exactly her mistake is? I couldn't find satisfying answer for myself.
I have tried enough (I guess) to understand the ACTUAL reason of war in Syria? I research, read articles and news & again have no conception of it. Who actually is right and who's wrong? Who's fighting who? And who's supporting who? I am clueless. Who will cover up the damage has been caused to Syria? And no one knows for how long it will to end. Who will bring back normal lives to them and bring back their beloved ones? That emotional torture these young minds are going through will stay there forever. And who is responsible for taking their childhood away?
While these decision makers or officials of all the countries involved in this war are living peaceful lives and their kids hear "bedtime stories" of life, love, and joy, Syrian kids are getting tortured with the sounds of bombs. Who is to be blamed?
Whenever I try to understand this conflict, I end up with this as an answer.

A picture shows who's fighting who in Syria.

Now I have a humble request to all sane members of PDF to help me find my answer. Please!
(And pardon my lack of knowledge).

Edit: Even if I get my answer, sadly, things won't change for people of Syria. My sincere prayers for them.

Ps: please keep this thread free of trolls & a very humble request to be sane enough and don't take it to the direction of "sectarianism".

@Moonlight The people of Syria wanted a democratic government based on the lines of Turkey, however Assad and his minority Alawites did not want this to come to fruition as it would have meant an end to their power and potentially being bought to justice for crimes that have been committed in the past, at the same time their were other players in the region that did not want to see a successful democratic regime mainly some of the Gulf arab nations as they would have felt threatened by an emerging Arab democracy in the region, all hell broke loose when Assad and his forces started to fire on demonstrators and the Gulf Arabs started to export their Wahhabi acolytes into the country, then Iran intervened for it's own strategic interests as did Turkey, Russia, USA etc.Kudos
Where is UN now? Piece of crap it is.

The UN is there. Every P5 power (US+Russia+Britain+France) is militarily involved in Syria right now. Do you see all those cruise missiles, fighter jets, drones etc. flying all over that place?

The only exception is China, due to our status as a developing country (and our lack of power projection capabilities).
@Moonlight The people of Syria wanted a democratic government based on the lines of Turkey, however Assad and his minority Alawites did not want this to come to fruition as it would have meant an end to their power and potentially being bought to justice for crimes that have been committed in the past, at the same time their were other players in the region that did not want to see a successful democratic regime mainly some of the Gulf arab nations as they would have felt threatened by an emerging Arab democracy in the region, all hell broke loose when Assad and his forces started to fire on demonstrators and the Gulf Arabs started to export their Wahhabi acolytes into the country, then Iran intervened for it's own strategic interests as did Turkey, Russia, USA etc.Kudos

Thanks bro.

But both failed in their motives. And end to it?
I don't see it in near future.

The UN is there. Every P5 power (US+Russia+Britain+France) is militarily involved in Syria right now. Do you see all those cruise missiles, fighter jets, drones etc. flying all over that place?

The only exception is China, due to our status as a developing country (and our lack of power projection capabilities).

And if I ask you, what can terminate this war?
And if I ask you, what can terminate this war?

This war can be terminated if the Syria/Iraq region becomes economically developed and militarily strong. Instead of divided and weak.

Right now they are just the playground of the superpowers.

China was the same way during the Century of Humiliation (and the Chinese Civil War). We escaped this fate by becoming unified and economically and militarily strong.

If the Chinese Civil War was still going on today we would be in exactly the same state as Syria.
This war can be terminated if the Syria/Iraq region becomes economically developed and militarily strong. Instead of divided and weak.

But sir, to be economically strong you need infrastructure, developments, trade etc etc and how could it be done when there's a war already?

China was the same way during the Century of Humiliation. We escaped this fate by becoming unified and economically and militarily strong.

Happy for that. :pakistan::china:

If the Chinese Civil War was still going on today we would be in exactly the same state as Syria.

But another thing, there's not a war between two countries but many countries and even the ruler of the state seems not to be much concerned about the country and civilians.
Correct me,if I'm wrong.

Lack of Unity in Muslim world especially in sectarian and i heard Russia is trying to prevent gas pipeline from Qatar and US love for war is open all this at the cost innocent life. And this all could end if sectarian war is over. But sadly it happen coz their children are not dying they don't know how it feels to loose a loved one. May Allah their make suffering easy Ameen
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But another thing, there's not a war between two countries but many countries and even the ruler of the state seems not to be much concerned about the country and civilians.
Correct me,if I'm wrong.


Syria right now is in exactly the same state as China was during the Chinese Civil War, we were nothing more than the playground of the superpowers during WW2.

When a country is weak and divided, then foreign militaries will come to take advantage of it. This is the way of the world.

Syria needs to be unified in order to escape this fate, which means one side has to win like the CCP did in China. But which side should win and unify the country?
Syria needs to be unified in order to escape this fate, which means one side has to win like the CCP did in China. But which side should win and unify the country?

Exactly what confuses me. Pardon my less understanding on this particular topic. And thanks!

Lack of Unity in Muslim world especially in sectarian and i heard Russia is trying to prevent gas pipeline from Qatar and US love for war is open all this at the cost innocent life. And this all could end if sectarian war is over. But sadly it happen coz their children are not dying they don't know how it feels to loose a loved one. May Allah their suffering easy Ameen

Honestly, I detest Iran & KSA and mainly they are responsible for the sectarianism.
Too much black energy has accumulated along the fault lines since the collapse of the Ottoman Empire. Since then the Muslim Heartlands haven't seen a single day of peace. Crime of the proxies are being paid with Jan, Mal and Namus of the ordinary folks. InshaAllah the era of the alphabet soup or sect based proxies is coming to an end as that black energy is being released. And, this century will not be a lost one like the previous one for Rahmet of Allah-u Azimushshan wins over HIS Azab...
Too much black energy has accumulated along the fault lines since the collapse of the Ottoman Empire. Since then the Muslim Heartlands haven't seen a single day of piece. Crime of the proxies are being paid with Jan, Mal and Namus of the ordinary folks. InshaAllah the era of the alphabet soup or sect based proxies is coming to an end advthat black energy is being released. And, this century will not be a lost one like the previous one for Rahmet of Allah-u Azimushshan wins over HIS Azab...

InshAllah & Amen Ya Rab Amen.
Maybe if Assad steps down and allows someone else to come and take his place maybe than things can improve. Syria at this moment needs a strong leader who can control his own country win the trust of his people and all these countries should stop treating Syria as if their weapons testing ground and actually do something for Syrians if not than try to stay out of it maybe?
May Allah ease the sufferings of Syrians :(

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