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  1. Danish saleem

    A Nation without a Habit of Book Reading.

    Dear Members, Its so unfortunate that as a Pakistani, its so embarrassing to learn that we not have a Habit of reading Books, i just visited a Book store in Dubai, which is full with teenagers, and most of them are from India and China. Here i would like to write a Quote " A Person not read...
  2. Danish saleem

    Why PM not Visiting Turkey?

    Friends, Our PM visited all the Friendly countries for getting Financial assistance, but why he not Visiting Turkey, is that because of US pressure, or its our own Decision. If it is Intentional(USA) Pressure, then why he visited Saudi Arabia Twice. Need Factual Comments, not based on likes...
  3. Danish saleem

    Gwader Expo 2018!

    From Today Gwader Expo 2018 Starting, in which more than 250 Companies Participating, and More 5000 Guests short Listed out of 25000 Application Received. Very Informative letter from Gwader, regarding Recent Activities in Gwader and related to Gwader Expo 2018...
  4. Danish saleem

    I will start Supporting PTI If!

    I just found News in which its revealed that Perviaz Musharraf former Army cheif of Pakistan have many Foreign Accounts, having billion of rupees worth. Detail of Accounts are as under: 1. Account Number :400200315 Bank :Union National Bank Balance :US$ 535,325 (Rs 48 million). 2...
  5. Danish saleem

    Strike Call by PTI Failed in Karachi.

    Brother, Yesterday night PTI karachi chapter ask traders to close their shop in protest of Islamabad arrests, but strike was badly rejected by People of Karachi, school are open, traffic running on the streets, not a single shop was closed in protest of PTI's call.
  6. Danish saleem

    Must Watch! what Imran khan saying about Dharna.

    Brother and sisters, Found very very interesting video of Imran khan, in which what Imran khan saying about Dharna, and please comment after watching the full video of 9 Minutes. Enjoy. Request again please watch full video.
  7. Danish saleem

    Why PTI not calling for Strike in Islamabad?

    Sir, As a small student of democracy, i just knew that in every democracy, Parties in Opposition mostly call for Strike to show their strength, like we saw in Kashmir , Huriyat Conference call for strike every day, in Bangladesh opposition call so many strikes in recent past, in even Pakistan...
  8. Danish saleem

    Video telling the whole story from Kashmir.

    SIr, Just watched that video, and want to share with all you guys, what Kashmir's demanding, and what so called biggest democracy is doing with them.
  9. Danish saleem

    Location of Surgical Strikes in Pakistan Revealed.

    Guys want to share the location of so called Surgical Strikes from India , Its revealed during a press conference today, Indian CMO revealed that India did surgical strikes on following locations. 1. 30 degree north and 40 degree south of Shipla shetty's nose. and another location they...
  10. Danish saleem

    Lies of Tahir Ul Qadri? A fake Mullah.

    My friends just shared the Post in which Professor of Jamia Al Azhar, exposing Tahir ul Qadri. https://www.islamicpostonline.com/opinion/2012/04/12/al-azhar-islamic-studies-scholars-expose-dr-tahir-qadri-as-imposter-fake-sheikh-and-demand-prove-your-claims/ i would also like to share his other...
  11. Danish saleem

    Choosing Saturday for Rally in Lahore and Rawalpindi!

    Just thinking why Imran khan and TUQ announced rallies on Saturday instead of Sunday. Its seems something is cooking behind. Please comment what u all think.
  12. Danish saleem

    Another Speech by Altaf Hussain!

    Brothers, Some one told me last night on 23rd August Altaf hussain again bark against Pakistan, while addressing to MQM US Chapter. i not yet found any link to that speech, but if some found please share here. do help me in chasing that traitor.
  13. Danish saleem

    Hidden Agenda of PTI and PAT!

    Asalam-o-alikum, As you all knew what was the hidden agenda of IK and TUQ , Sheikih Rasheed and PML Q, in previous Dharna. According to my understanding Previous dharna's hidden agenda is, 1. Dis lodge Government before senate Elections. 2. Dis lodge Government before appointment of new ISI...
  14. Danish saleem

    I am Baboon and Noora Because i criticse PTI!

    Dear brothers, From last several years, specially after Dharna, i noticed that if some one criticize PTI , in that return the supporters of PTI start calling your Noora, patwaris, and now Baboons. So this is what PTI bringing change in Pakistan, this is how Imran khan educating the Young...
  15. Danish saleem

    Your favorite Song!

    HI to the brothers and sisters using PDF, i want to know which one is your favorite song ,which you always love to listen, from which ever country you belongs to do share your favorite song with youtube link, i would like to listen the music of every country and i hope others Members of PDF...
  16. Danish saleem

    Today Tanks Losts against People Will!

    Today History created, and today people will understand how Tanks will lost's in front of People's will. Salam Turks, and Tayyab Aurdagan, who showed the world that he is the leader of Turks.
  17. Danish saleem

    Afzal Khan applogises for his allegations of Rigging!

    During Dharna of PTI, afzal khan former secretary of Elections Commission,suddenly appear on one TV channel ARY, and impose allegation Iftikhar Choudry and every other person including Choudry Nisar that they Rigged the Elections. Then That same guy appeared on Dharna and Imran khan and company...
  18. Danish saleem

    80 Percent Funds Laps by Home Ministery of KPK.

    Today i got a shocking news, that the province fighting against terrorism, in that province 80% of funds laps by Home Ministry of KPK Government. Imran khan must looked into it, because its now a consecutive three years, that KPK not able to utilize all the funds allocated to them. This is not...
  19. Danish saleem

    Green Bus Service Karachi(Green Line)

    A great Revolution in Transport expected in Karachi after the Completion of Green Bus Service Track. I found the small animated video, which i would like to share with you all.
  20. Danish saleem

    Most Improved Performance Award for PIA! A good News

    Brothers and Sisters, A Good news came, which i would like to share on this platform. KARACHI: The PIA has been given the `Most Improved Performance Award by Dubai Airport Authorities' at a recently held ceremony for showing remarkable improvement in its on-time performance in 2015. This was...
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