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Indian atrocities in Jammu & Kashmir


Apr 25, 2012
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Recently, ‘ Citizens’ Council for Justice (CCJ)’ released a report stating that the Indian army and other government agencies have been brutalizing Kashmiri people while subjecting them to torture, enforced disappearance, killing, destruction of property and molestation of women.

The report has been prepared with the assistance of International Peoples’ Tribunal for Human Rights and Justice in Kashmir and Jammu and Kashmir Coalition of Civil Society. To crush the Kashmiri Liberation movement, India has employed various techniques including black laws. Public Safety Act (PSA), Prevention of Terrorism Act (POTA), Terrorist and Disruptive Activities Act 1990 (TADA) and Armed Forces Special Powers Act 1990, (AFSPA) are enforced in Kashmir despite the fact that they contravene the Indian Constitution and international law. These laws violate the basic human rights such as right to life, the right to liberty and security of the person and the right to remedy. These atrocities are true reflection of Indian policy of condoning human rights violations by its security forces in occupied Kashmir.

That the Indian occupation has been nasty and brutish, has been claimed constantly by those Kashmiris struggling for the grant of the right of self-determination. However, what the report appearing in The Guardian, based on a report by a team of veteran legal activists, reveals, is that the occupation forces also undergo no accountability for their actions. According to the report, 500 alleged perpetrators include policemen and army officers of general’s rank. The report quotes official Indian documents obtained under freedom of information legislation, and shows that even officers allegedly involved in shootings, abductions, torture and rape, do not face any investigation, let alone any punishment. As the guilty are protected, there is no affixing of blame, and thus the Indian claim of being a democracy rings hollow.
It is outside the report’s remit, but it is a fair conclusion that this state of being beyond accountability will be carried by Indian military personnel outside Kashmir, and thus the corruption will infect the Indian Army as a whole. Since the earliest incident reported was in 1990, at the beginning of the current unrest, it is a safe guess that more or less the entire Indian army is infected. This is no situation for a democracy, a country which trumpets forth its claims to constitutionalism, to rule of law, to accountability, to the subordination of its military to the civil government. This report should serve as a wake-up call to Indian decision-makers that their army will spin out of control, if they continue to deny the Kashmiri people their right of self-determination. It is perhaps symptomatic of this ostrich-like attitude that they have constantly ignored the solution Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru himself agreed to, and enshrined in the relevant Security Council resolutions: a UN-supervised plebiscite. Today, well over six decades on, this still remains the best and most viable solution.
Pakistan must shed its apologetic attitude, and highlight this report worldwide. It has toed the Indian line enough, to the extent of granting it Most Favoured Nation status, something which would lead to the destruction of its commerce and industry, in the face of Indian imports flooding its markets. It has done all this without any solution in sight to the Kashmir issue, without India bothering even to mention it. It must expose the falsehood of Indian secularism, which this report reveals, and show India that its illegal and forcible occupation of Kashmir merely holds it back, instead of providing any advantage.

Indian atrocities in Kashmir

Indian atrocities exposed | The Nation

The Full Report By Citizens' Council for Justice (CCJ) On Indian Atrocities In Kashmir

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