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Featured U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken Calls Taiwan a 'Country'

Yup it's a C-802 fired from a Jamaran class frigate. The HF III mishap is caused by human error. Nothing to do with the missile itself.

On the other hand , Iranian C-802 failed to differentiate the Konarak and the target barge it tows.

And the C-705 failed in flight during Indonesian testing.

So much so for Chinese missile technology.

One more thing, I wonder what's your basis for your tall claims of overwhelming Taiwan in 3 hours, might as well put you in the same league of blabbering bot who forecast the October surprise last year. :lol: :lol:
Basis? Based on world largest navy. Based on the strait that is only 131km wide. Based on the world second largest military strength. Based on China having thousand over 300km to 1700km range precision pin point ballistic missile. If Iran can even mute US military with just few missile strike. You can imagine 100 times the amount from China. I am not BS, it can be worst than that.... A helicopter flight of thousands of PLA assault soldiers from mainland China to Taiwan after barrage of missile that wipe out Taiwan defense will take the most an hour to do it... 3 hours is in fact under estimate! :enjoy:

And dont tell me yout uncle sam or whatever BS allies going to help Taiwan. Ask Ukraine or Kurdish soldiers did any US soldiers landed to help them fight single Russia soldiers or Turkish soldiers when US promise them heaven or earth if war happened...
I don't think Taiwan would last even a day against China. They're just so close that it will be Crimea 2.0.
Basis? Based on world largest navy. Based on the strait that is only 131km wide. Based on the world second largest military strength. Based on China having thousand over 300km to 1700km range precision pin point ballistic missile. If Iran can even mute US military with just few missile strike. You can imagine 100 times the amount from China. I am not BS, it can be worst than that.... A helicopter flight of thousands of PLA assault soldiers from mainland China to Taiwan after barrage of missile that wipe out Taiwan defense will take the most an hour to do it... 3 hours is in fact under estimate! :enjoy:

And dont tell me yout uncle sam or whatever BS allies going to help Taiwan. Ask Ukraine or Kurdish soldiers did any US soldiers landed to help them fight single Russia soldiers or Turkish soldiers when US promise them heaven or earth if war happened...
unfortunately that exist only in wet dreams.

here is Mosul, Northern Iraq

a city roughly 180 km² in size, in 2016 it took around 100.000 allied multinational troops as well as the might of US airpower in a very permissive environment against an estimated 5000 leftover ISIS troops inside the city.

it took almost a year ( 9 months +) for the allied troops to capture the whole city

here is Aleppo, Northwest Syria

a city roughly 190 km2 in size, it took 4 years for the Syrian army to catapult the rebels out.

the battle of Mosul and Aleppo, took months to years under a very permissive environment in which the attacking troops enjoy advantage in overwhelmingly superior numbers, supply, terrain , ability to maneuver as well as technology. the tech discrepancy between that of ISIS against that of US led multinational forces couldn't be much greater, the same applies to the Syrian army advantage in numbers and air support during the whole 4+ years in the battle to seize Aleppo.

if you think that missile barrage alone will guarantee your 3 hour road to victory, then think again, during the battle of Mosul, US drones, Iraqi missile and rocket launchers, French Caesar artillery didn't stop firing for most of the combat phase, yet it didn't took 3 hours to capture Mosul (an area of just 180km2), it still took 9 months.

now let's talk Taiwan.

here's Taipei

a MEGACITY of around 1,140 km2 , now imagine sending your PLA troops here through the body of water called the Taiwan strait, you'll need all the ships you've got to transport at least 100.000+ of your troops ashore , that considers that your transports magically survives the missile onslaught and somewhat the Taiwanese didn't blow your military gathering site.

the tech discrepancy between that of Taiwan v PLA is not as dire as that of ISIS v USA or SAA vs FSA.

I might want to remind you that during the entire battle to seize Mosul and Aleppo, the supply lines for the attacking troops are always open, which means steady supply of fresh men, ammunition, food etc.

the same could not be assured for your PLA men if they manage to land in Taiwan under a vicious firefight, not knowing if your supply ships will be targeted by submarines or mobile missile launcher. if failed, then your PLA troops will be surrounded inside Taiwan, waiting for them to bleed men, ammo and food.

you could not even ensure air superiority if the US decide to intervene. which means it will be years before you could seize Taipei. and Taiwan has many cities the size of Taipei, with mountains on all sides. perfect for the defenders.

think twice before spewing 3 hours :lol: :lol: :lol: . you are indeed in the same league and intelect with the guy who make this thread below. :rofl: :rofl:

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Benefits of dual citizenship let these clowns kill each other, and you move else where and establish a business.

Good luck to both sides.
Pull up then :sniper:

You don't know about beefs, we in the streets when it's lunch time
Heat it up, Bennie Sigal, we gone heat it up
Hammer time, spending back-to-back on these green bucks
Choppa threw half of Xi's body, it'll eat you up
China better stop playing
Y'all a'int deep enough

QUAD+NATO that's a Mafia Thang!
View attachment 724251

Are you really willing to slide for ya gang
Ride for ya hood
Die for ya name
Keep ya chin up and do ya time for the gang
Keep ya mouth closed, thats a Mafia thang

View attachment 724250
Is there an Indian version for cow vagene?
Based on China having thousand over 300km to 1700km range precision pin point ballistic missile.

Why only use 1000 missiles when you can use 50k or 100k? Devastating first strike so there is no opposition remaining. If China can fire 3000 missiles in a war game exercise surely they have missiles a plenty.

Benefits of dual citizenship let these clowns kill each other, and you move else where and establish a business.

Good luck to both sides.

Do Pakistanis say that about Kashmir? Kashmir is important and strategic to you, meaningless to others.
Taiwan is very important and strategic to the Chinese. Perhaps their fight is meaningless to you.
What else "RED LINE" to cross?. couple of USA CBG in SCS, all lines are erased.
Taiwanese mostly won't fight to the death. The vast majority of Taiwanese soldiers lay down their arms and surrender. A few thousand die hard Nationalists will fight to the death but they won't even be able to inflict a few hundred casualties on the numerically and technologically superior PLA. J-20 air superiority fighters absolutely control the sky over Taiwan. Power plants, water filtration plants, air ports, ports, mines are obliterated by J-16 strike fighters. Without infrastructure there is no point to fight.
Mar 12 - US secretary of state calls Taiwan 'country'
View attachment 724088
U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Wednesday (March 10) referred to Taiwan as a country, a label usually avoided by his predecessors.

At the tail end of a House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing on the Biden administration's foreign policy agenda, Representative Young Kim (R-CA) noted that Taiwan has served for decades as an "invaluable security and global health partner to the United States." She pointed out that given Taiwan's contributions to the international community and its "strong democratic system," it has earned "a seat at the table like the WHO to share its expertise."

Kim then called on the Biden administration to include Taiwan in the upcoming Democracy Summit and to commence talks with it on a free trade agreement. Blinken responded that he is "absolutely committed" to her suggestions and that he shares her view that "Taiwan is a strong democracy" and "a very strong technological power."

He went on to say that Taiwan is "a country that can contribute to the world, not just its own people. COVID is a very good example of that." Young agreed with the diplomat's remarks.

Blinken's use of the term "country" could mark a new stage in Taiwan-US relations. Since the U.S. severed diplomatic relations with Taiwan under the Carter administration in 1979, the State Department self-imposed increasing layers of restrictions on official interactions with Taiwan for fear of agitating China.

However, toward the end of his term as secretary of state, Mike Pompeo reevaluated these restrictions, recalling to CNA in a March 9 interview that, "We started staring at them and realized it was just crazy. We had this completely separate set of rules that made no sense." He said that after a full review, "it made sense for us to have more conversations, not fewer. To have more open conversations, not more clandestine conversations."

On Jan. 10, the State Department officially lifted its restrictions on official contact with Taiwan. Among those were prohibitions on using the terms "country" or "government" when referring to Taiwan.

By using the word "country," Blinken appears to have acknowledged the lifting of restrictions. However, only time will tell whether this was a slip of the tongue or a nod to a long-term policy.

Talk about playing with fire

These Americans be crazy :rofl:
it still took 9 months

They could have leveled Mosul within a day. They took their sweet time enjoying slaughtering ISIS defenders in Mosul. No western soldier was killed by ISIS in the entire year long battle anyway so they weren't in a rush.

here's Taipei

a MEGACITY of around 1,140 km2 , now imagine sending your PLA troops here through the body of water called the Taiwan strait, you'll need all the ships you've got to transport at least 100.000+ of your troops ashore , that considers that your transports magically survives the missile onslaught and somewhat the Taiwanese didn't blow your military gathering site.

J-20 air superiority fighters absolutely control the sky over Taiwan. Power plants, water filtration plants, air ports, ports, mines are obliterated by J-16 strike fighters. Without infrastructure there is no point to fight. Nor can Taiwanese soldiers shoot down a single PLA fighter jet let alone kill a single PLA soldier.
I'm no longer in favor of Taiwanese indepence from China.
Taiwan is literally off shore from China, and China has been clear about viewing Taiwan as theirs.

I'm now in favor of *peaceful* re-unification, and i'll be echoing this viewpoint to my American friends (on my mailing list, and on twitter, and everywhere else).
To foster the dream of independence is to put all Taiwanese lives at grave risk, and frankly, we here in the West shouldn't be doing that.

After many discussions here on defence.pk, i have learned that western fights for regional domination/control, are often taken too far and for too long, by the west.
I think it's time that changed.

We *should* however, plan for companies like TSMC to fall under Chinese control, by setting up companies like it (for domestic use) right here in our backyards in the EU or USA.
If Taiwan declares secession from China then Chinese supreme court hangs the Taiwanese president ala Saddam. If the Taiwanese president flees to America the way Yanukovych fled to Russia, Taiwanese soldiers lays down their arms and surrender without a fight to PLA.

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