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Mental Health Corner


Nov 15, 2012
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Greetings everyone,

I'm creating this thread because I feel that there is a need for it on our lovely digital abode. Current affairs, local problems, life's miseries do leave us feeling drained and disturbed sometimes. Plus, there seems to be a stigma regarding addressing mental health issues or asking for counseling when it's felt in our region at least.

This thread is not intended to be a replacement of therapy (that needs to be done one on one) but a place to be at where you voice your concerns and be heard; hopefully end up being pointed in the right direction if you it is needed.

I humbly ask all members of the forum not to abuse this thread nor anyone in it.

I'm a Psychologist with half a decade of experience and I will personally respond as much as I can. Post whatever you feel like though if it's too traumatic then, ask for a private conversation.

Hope it helps, happy foruming and keep smiling.
PS kindly tag me so I get the notification. Thank you!
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Nawaz Sharif's low platelet count has damaged my mental health. Is there a causative organic link between Nawaz Sharif's blood clotting stability parameters and my depressive symptoms, or is this some form of reverse psychosomatic projection?
Brother, I'm a psychologist, not a psychiatrist (doctors) I don't think it's ethical of me to advise you on the medications but I can on your issues and therapies offered :)
I am using Risperdal :D

To be strictly professional, it's not unheard of that depressive symptoms can affect global health which can aggravate the depression itself. However, his reports and doctors would be the best judge and since we don't have that; we should keep it as plausible, at least.
Nawaz Sharif's low platelet count has damaged my mental health. Is there a causative organic link between Nawaz Sharif's blood clotting stability parameters and my depressive symptoms, or is this some form of reverse psychosomatic projection?
Brother, I'm a psychologist, not a psychiatrist (doctors) I don't think it's ethical of me to advise you on the medications but I can on your issues and therapies offered :)
Don't worry, I was JK, thanks for such thread :tup:
Greetings everyone,

I'm creating this thread because I feel that there is a need for it on our lovely digital abode. Current affairs, local problems, life's miseries do leave us feeling drained and disturbed sometimes. Plus, there seems to be a stigma regarding addressing mental health issues or asking for counseling when it's felt in our region at least.

This thread is not intended to be a replacement of therapy (that needs to be done one on one) but a place to be at where you voice your concerns and be heard; hopefully end up being pointed in the right direction if you it is needed.

I humbly ask all members of the forum not to abuse this thread nor anyone in it.

I'm a Psychologist with half a decade of experience and I will personally respond as much as I can. Post whatever you feel like though if it's too traumatic then, ask for a private conversation.

Hope it helps, happy foruming and keep smiling.
are you a new mod?
So what's your response to doubters? I personally am not content with the whole psychological thing. I am confident that it is some sort of scam. As a psychologist, what is your usual reaction to anyone with such opinion?
Thanks... @jaibi
I am on meds for OCD and am doing pretty good... Never taken CBT though started recently but I don't think its addressing to my specific needs. Psychotherapy doesn't work for me also ( I am good at arguments and well its difficult to talk through me).
Anyway, I think ERP but more importantly hypotherapy will help me addressing a specific phobia but that is upto a psychologist to decide (but the problem is, I don't think there are any specialist here).
Anyway, so the thing is I am aware of myself and I even know what steps are necessary to improve myself....but my main problem is implementing. I don't act on things which I know I should and thus I reached out to psychologists again.

P.S: Anyway, Just stated my situation to ease other memebers to open up. Its again pointed out that this thread is just a general place to talk, ease up about your lives and connect with others familiarizing about their problems too. For your own benefit, please seek professional help if you are having mental problems or if the stresses in life becomes unbearable.
Thank you, Hachiman, I'm glad you opened up and I know it's quite daunting. My salute to you!

Second, let's come to pvt chat so I can know your specific issues and recommend a good specialist here. There are many but just harder to find because I'm of the field, I think I can help you point out in the right direction.

Third, if you're of an active disposition of the mind then hypnotherapy may also not work, some people do resist its therapeutic input because of the structure of their mind (just a heads up).

Fourth, if you're having problems implimenting improved behaviours it may be because of a deeper unconscious conflict which is preventing you from doing so. The right therapy would help resolve that and make it easy for you to improve as you wish to.

Fifth, it's an important part of therapy that you click with your therapist and find it easy and rejuvinating to talk to them.

Hope it helps and thank you!
Thanks... @jaibi
I am on meds for OCD and am doing pretty good... Never taken CBT though started recently but I don't think its addressing to my specific needs. Psychotherapy doesn't work for me also ( I am good at arguments and well its difficult to talk through me).
Anyway, I think ERP but more importantly hypotherapy will help me addressing a specific phobia but that is upto a psychologist to decide (but the problem is, I don't think there are any specialist here).
Anyway, so the thing is I am aware of myself and I even know what steps are necessary to improve myself....but my main problem is implementing. I don't act on things which I know I should and thus I reached out to psychologists again.

P.S: Anyway, Just stated my situation to ease other memebers to open up. Its again pointed out that this thread is just a general place to talk, ease up about your lives and connect with others familiarizing about their problems too. For your own benefit, please seek professional help if you are having mental problems or if the stresses in life becomes unbearable.
I am using Risperdal :D
Resporidone...anti-psychotic...I got prescribed it once but fortunately didn't get on it after re consulting with the psychiatric.
I am on SSRI, Paraxetine.

What are you taking it for?

Thank you, Hachiman, I'm glad you opened up and I know it's quite daunting. My salute to you!

Second, let's come to pvt chat so I can know your specific issues and recommend a good specialist here. There are many but just harder to find because I'm of the field, I think I can help you point out in the right direction.

Third, if you're of an active disposition of the mind then hypnotherapy may also not work, some people do resist its therapeutic input because of the structure of their mind (just a heads up).

Fourth, if you're having problems implimenting improved behaviours it may be because of a deeper unconscious conflict which is preventing you from doing so. The right therapy would help resolve that and make it easy for you to improve as you wish to.

Fifth, it's an important part of therapy that you click with your therapist and find it easy and rejuvinating to talk to them.

Hope it helps and thank you!
Yup...will do a pm soon...thanks for responding promptly.
Here for you, brother.
Resporidone...anti-psychotic...I got prescribed it once but fortunately didn't get on it after re consulting with the psychiatric.
I am on SSRI, Paraxetine.

What are you taking it for?

Yup...will do a pm soon...thanks for responding promptly.
So what's your response to doubters? I personally am not content with the whole psychological thing. I am confident that it is some sort of scam. As a psychologist, what is your usual reaction to anyone with such opinion?
Though the question is not addressed to me, but will jist share my thoughts that well Clinical Psychology generally helps everyone. Although, I also agree that there is limited effectiveness to some people. Psychology is to a lot extent science. Its just a bit different than taking meds as it involves the abstract part of brain directly.
And I think psychology is only effective if you believe it is and wants to improve.
Here for you, brother.
Don't worry, I was JK, thanks for such thread :tup:

I think there is an ocean of evidence that shows that therapy works and has been doing so for quite some time. I'd just invite them to use therapy for once with an open mind and see it for themselves. As we say, the proof is in the pudding. Perhaps, most of the times, what I've seen is that people have a very different notion of what therapy is, something spiritual, or something mystical or something mysterious, at least and facing life's trauma can be difficult. So with the right therapist and their doubts being cleared, it often leads to a positive outcome.
So what's your response to doubters? I personally am not content with the whole psychological thing. I am confident that it is some sort of scam. As a psychologist, what is your usual reaction to anyone with such opinion?

Actually, different therapies work for different people and motivational interviews (for people who don't believe in it) are one of the first steps that a good therapist needs to take. In the East the therapists are of various quality and not everyone has access to affordable health care; hence, it can lead to problems which can be cured by simple professional training of the specialists.
Though the question is not addressed to me, but will jist share my thoughts that well Clinical Psychology generally helps everyone. Although, I also agree that there is limited effectiveness to some people. Psychology is to a lot extent science. Its just a bit different than taking meds as it involves the abstract part of brain directly.
And I think psychology is only effective if you believe it is and wants to improve.
When I visited gastroentrologist, he also gave me this medicine for 1 month after checking my body language
Great thread, specially as for few reasons I am suffering from depression I haven't gotten it checked yet. But sometimes despite everything going smoothly in my life I really feel depressed. One major reason or fear I often get is afraid of ending up alone in life. This fear keeps bothering and is getting bad to worse by every passing day.
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