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The Checkmate looks to have potential in becoming a formidable fighter. It will be interesting to read about its development and finally deployment.

I heard that MiG was also working on a stealth fighter, as well as the successor for the unmatched in it's class, MiG-31 Foxhound. Any updates regarding the MiG stealth jet?
The Checkmate looks to have potential in becoming a formidable fighter. It will be interesting to read about its development and finally deployment.

Totally agree and the best part is how smart they are to use a huge percentage of Su-57 parts on it so that they don't have to fabricate all new parts. Genius which should speed up the development process.

I heard that MiG was also working on a stealth fighter, as well as the successor for the unmatched in it's class, MiG-31 Foxhound. Any updates regarding the MiG stealth jet?

Honestly, MiG is in trouble. It needs funds badly and that's why it will be pushing the MiG-35 like no other MiG in its history so it can get a bit of funding but that's also why it only showed models at MAKS so to attract anyone willing to fund one of those programs, otherwise it can't do it on its own. Real shame to see such a classic of history struggle so badly. Hopefully the new MiG-35 does have the new AESA that works very well and doesn't have heating problems and maybe Egypt can buy another 50 to add to the M/M2 it already bought and actually likes it a lot since it's very happy with the current version of it, but that might not even be enough. Other nations need to buy a lot of MiG-35s to help that classic manufacturer stay afloat otherwise it might meet its end, and what a sad day that would be.

The intake is too angled. Not smooth like J-10. It is not a looker. Won't sell well.

The intake is too angled. Not smooth like J-10. It is not a looker. Won't sell well.

Its not a stealth jet you fool ànd in j-10 has a lots of things ( 90° angles) which increases its RCS such as vertical stabilizer which increases its RCS significantly
Ànd why you bring PLAAF stuff more ànd more into RUSSIAN AIR FORCE THREAD STOP IT

@waz @The Eagle can we ban him from this thread thanks
Its not a stealth jet you fool ànd in j-10 has a lots of things ( 90° angles) which increases its RCS such as vertical stabilizer which increases its RCS significantly
Ànd why you bring PLAAF stuff more ànd more into RUSSIAN AIR FORCE THREAD STOP IT

@waz @The Eagle can we ban him from this thread thanks

Don't be a Nazi. I merely stated the fact Su-75 is not a looker due to terrible design philosophy.
Don't be a Nazi. I merely stated the fact Su-75 is not a looker due to terrible design philosophy.
Ànd don't compare with 2 different gen jets, one is for unstealthy 4.5th gen design ànd other is for stealthy 5th gen jet, ànd you're the aviation expert that you called Su-75 terrible design, ànd fighter jets are not designed for beautiful ànd aesthetic, they are being develop based on their missions ànd doctrine, you're comparing APPLES TO ORANGES
Ànd don't compare with 2 different gen jets, one is for unstealthy 4.5th gen design ànd other is for stealthy 5th gen jet, ànd you're the aviation expert that you called Su-75 terrible design, ànd fighter jets are not designed for beautiful ànd aesthetic, they are being develop based on their missions ànd doctrine, you're comparing APPLES TO ORANGES

Su-75 is not 5th gen. 4.6 gen at best.
LOL you're delusional it is 5th gen jet just like f-35/J-35

Nope. It is only so-called fifth generation.

Nope. It is only so-called fifth generation.

LOL another stupidity by you 5th gen is stealth , does it not have stealth fuselage (plan-form alignments) weapon bays/V tails lol, I can post lots of websites that's saying that j-20/ J-35 is not a stealth jets, your mental disease has no cure I sorry to say dude
LOL another stupidity by you 5th gen is stealth , does it not have stealth fuselage (plan-form alignments) weapon bays/V tails lol, I can post lots of websites that's saying that j-20/ J-35 is not a stealth jets, your mental disease has no cure I sorry to say dude

Not even the Russian air force wants Checkmate. It's only for export to 3rd world countries, as if any country will even buy it.
Not even the Russian air force wants Checkmate. It's only for export to 3rd world countries, as if any country will even buy it.
THIS is another metter ànd not related to its capabilities, Russian are low on $$ ànd they are satisfied with Su-57, ànd remember dude Russia is very big country su-57 is more suitable to them to cover vast swath of there country than a checkmate, ànd who knows they will order it to replace their Old mig-29 in future

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