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Why don't we have an Asian Union?

Because India is an enemy of Pakistan and China.


Japan is an enemy of China and Russia.

Hence no Asian Union.
No I am not claiming they are "not diverse." That's a strawman. I claimed they are not as diverse as Asians. Tell a Pakistanis he is as "Asian" as a Mongolian.

They won't see the connection. Tell a Japanese they are as "Asian" as a Sri Lankan. They won't see the "connection." Yes North Africans and SS Africans look different.

You don't sound very bright. That can't be an argument for Asians being more diverse. Africans can resort to same argument - no Somali will agree he's the same as Nigerian, and no Nubian will agree he's the same as a Congolese.

Africa is the cradle of humanity, and we non-Africans are a subset of African diversity. The fact that we descend from a small group that left Africa only 50k years ago is a well established theory in the scientific community.
You don't sound very bright. That can't be an argument for Asians being more diverse. Africans can resort to same argument - no Somali will agree he's the same as Nigerian, and no Nubian will agree he's the same as a Congolese.

Africa is the cradle of humanity, and we non-Africans are a subset of African diversity. The fact that we descend from a small group that left Africa only 50k years ago is a well established theory in the scientific community.
Within the Pakistani Muslim population, there is a belief that the genetic heritage of Hazrat Bilal Habsi, an African companion of Prophet Muhammad, is more preserved than anywhere else in the world. This preservation is thought to be a result of the longstanding practice in Pakistan known as niqah e mutah and niqah e missiyar, where Pakistani women enter into marriages with African Arabs. As a consequence, a significant proportion of African DNA can be found among Indian, Pakistani, and Bangladeshi Muslims, with Pakistani Muslims showing a particularly notable presence.
Realistically, Pakistan should consider establishing a union with Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan for free trade, right to move and work freely and for the purposes of security cooperation.

These 5 countries have very similar cultures, history of foreign interferences and require investments to become developed. I believe they need each other. Pakistan can provide agriculture, technology and access to ports, Afghanistan can provide minerals, cheap labour and transit route and central asian republics can provide energy.
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IK himself said Mir Bajwa did US bidding to remove an elected government

ik and PTI are on Indian payroll.

Musharraf gave away bases for Nato ops. In Afghanistan

Drone attacks on KPK land and still estb. Was quiet

We were partnering with the US to defeat the terrorists from the Afghan soil who were on the Russian and Indian payroll.

All your assets in Afghanistan and Pakistan are being neutralized.

I can see why Indians are crying..

Define Asian

Continent of Asia has already been defined

Within the Pakistani Muslim population, there is a belief that the genetic heritage of Hazrat Bilal Habsi, an African companion of Prophet Muhammad, is more preserved than anywhere else in the world. This preservation is thought to be a result of the longstanding practice in Pakistan known as niqah e mutah and niqah e missiyar, where Pakistani women enter into marriages with African Arabs. As a consequence, a significant proportion of African DNA can be found among Indian, Pakistani, and Bangladeshi Muslims, with Pakistani Muslims showing a particularly notable presence.

We don't discriminate against African Muslims. Bangladeshi and African Muslims are free to intermarry if they like each other, there is no caste barrier. Stop being racist against Africans, being black yourselves.
China has worst relationship her most of the neighborhood's.

Pakistan has also not good relationship with IRAN, afghanistan and india, specifically borders issue with Afghanistan and india.

India has bad relationship with pakistan and China.

Conclusion - it can be only happened in dreams.
Lol, India has the worst relationships with all its neighbours. China really has bad relationships with Japan and India.
To build a union you first need to be part of the same civilization. EU started off with countries within the Latin Civilization. Later seeing their success, they were joined by countries from Eastern Europe within the Greek civilization.

The best bet in Asia was East Asia (countries within Confucianism). Although the 20th century geopolitical turnarounds, starting from the Communist Revolution in China, have made it next to impossible.
Lol, it was impossible starting with Japan imperialism of invading and slaughtering all its neighbours, dont tell me Japanese Greater East Asia Coprosperity was good for Asian union.
You don't sound very bright. That can't be an argument for Asians being more diverse. Africans can resort to same argument - no Somali will agree he's the same as Nigerian, and no Nubian will agree he's the same as a Congolese.

Africa is the cradle of humanity, and we non-Africans are a subset of African diversity. The fact that we descend from a small group that left Africa only 50k years ago is a well established theory in the scientific community.

I never claimed they are the same. But the differences between a Somali and a Nigerian are much less so than say an Indonesian and a Sri Lankan.

Europeans on the other hand are binded by common linguistics, religious history, racial/subracial composition, cultural history etc.

Europeans are majority Christian. Muslim Bosnians & Albanians still share common linguistics & genetics with other Europeans. They're also Caucasoid.

Asians do not have such level of similarities. Even Japanese and Koreans are distinct linguistically, sub-racially, religious history etc.

They don't really have a concept of commonality like Europeans do.

Even the pre-Christian religions of Europeans have similarity dating back to the Proto-Eurasian religion. Finns, Hungarians & Estonians are still Caucasoid, Christian and culturally European.

The current folklore of Europeans is also similar. Same origins.

Africa is far more diverse than that and Asia is even more diverse. African Union is more of a vague co-operation just like Islamic co-operation council.

It cannot be compared to the Arab League or the GCC countries. On the mention, I think GCC countries are the closest comparison to the European Union.

Countries consisting of a common Arab racial population. Same language. In fact same variety of Arabic. Same religion.

And GCC countries have made good progress and co-operation.
But the differences between a Somali and a Nigerian are much less so than say an Indonesian and a Sri Lankan.

No it isn't. You feel like that because they're both "black" to you. The difference between an Indonesian and Sri Lankan is tiny compared to the difference between a Somali and a Nigerian. I don't have the tools to calculate fst values right now but I'll get back to you on this.
No they don't lol
Yes we are. Sufi Islam and Persian influence is in each of us. And also you need to go to Kabul and Karachi. You will find people of all ethnicities.
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We don't discriminate against African Muslims. Bangladeshi and African Muslims are free to intermarry if they like each other, there is no caste barrier. Stop being racist against Africans, being black yourselves.
Only Muslims from Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh are adamant that Islam does not have a caste structure. Arabs openly assert that South Asian Muslims belong to the lowest caste in the hierarchy of Islam.
How can a Muslim from South Asia discriminate against an African Muslim when the African Muslim is considered superior to Muslims from Pakistan, Bangladesh, and India?
Only Muslims from Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh are adamant that Islam does not have a caste structure. Arabs openly assert that South Asian Muslims belong to the lowest caste in the hierarchy of Islam.
How can a Muslim from South Asia discriminate against an African Muslim when the African Muslim is considered superior to Muslims from Pakistan, Bangladesh, and India?

Only on PDF can a Hindu teach a Muslim new things about Islam :lol:

So does it go something like this.. Arabs >> African Muslim >> South Asian Muslim?

Where does @Indos fit into this? :lol:
Only on PDF can a Hindu teach a Muslim new things about Islam :lol:

So does it go something like this.. Arabs >> African Muslim >> South Asian Muslim?

Where does @Indos fit into this? :lol:
Arabs never had a ruling influence over Indonesia, which is why Indonesian Muslims are not included in the caste system of Islam. However, African Arab Muslims have historically ruled over the Muslims of South Asia, and they do regard Muslims from South Asia as inferior.
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