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Pilots of Pakistan Air Force ( PAF )

Hi guys lets stay on the topic. Come on lets act like mature men I am sure there are other important topic than fighting over who I am trust me I am not important, Yes what we did for our country back in the 60s and 70s if you were in my place you would have done the same.

Talking about pilots who were not tall. If we look back and see all the pilots who were short were very good in Combat we have big examples Nur Khan, MM Alam , Aamir Ali Sheriff.

sir i tried two times to get in your place but failed
may be this country has someone else better for her service
Actually I like the PAF. its the fanboys like you that I cant stand.

Okay so you cannot stand people who like the PAF - SELF HATE, ANYONE?

I do not understand the term 'fanboys'. I am supporter of the PAF and other services, WARTS and all.

But unlike a hater like you (in the garb of 'liking the PAF ':hitwall::cheesy:), we do NOT critique ALL the time. There is time and place to appreciate and a time and place to critique. YOU on the other hand, are always taking shots.

THIS IS A POST TO SHOW PHOTOGRAPHS, YET YOU HAVE TRIED TO EMBROIL IT IN A WHO IS WHO........We cannot have a simple thread like this without the likes of you showing up and souring things up.

Try this: If you cannot say anything nice, try saying NOTHING.

If your constant hate posts are an indication of your liking, I would NOT like to find out what you would do if you disliked the PAF.
people how can i upload pictures of PAF pilots bcoz iam unable to do so ...?!
people how can i upload pictures of PAF pilots bcoz iam unable to do so ...?!

Your best bet is upload them to Photobucket and then copy I my self am a duffer when it comes to computer if I am not wrong Asim the Mod told me how to put photos on the forum couple of years back.
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Best of the best..........................

Your best bet is upload them to Photobucket and then copy past I my self am a duffer when it comes to computer if I am not wrong Asim the Mod told me how to put photos on the forum couple of years back.

Sir no one is good at everything .. you are still our spearhead:smokin::pakistan:
Muradk Saheb
I remember you sustaining an injury from the wing of F104. But you did not mention your experience of flying it. Could you tell us a few things about the aircraft and its handling and what was good or bad about it?
Secondly a bit off topic but important for discussion of therelative merits of Single engined over double engined aircrafts. What I wanted to know was economically how beneficial is it to have a twin engined aircraft do the work of 2 single engined aircrafts? I asked this of Pshamim saheb also, but i dont think he has seen the question yet.
Bingo, you got the definition of fanboys!

if you dont like my posts, put me on ignore. but i wont STFU just because you get offended.

.er...what does STFU mean?

Of course, the Indian AF is PERFECT amongst other PERFECT Indian organizations, therefore it is okay to support them and NOT be a fanboy, but support an organization like the PAF which, unfortunately is subject to human foibles - unlike the perfectionism personified that is all things Indian (for instance), is to be a fanboy...


Nothing you say or do can offend me, because like the PERFECT organizations that you Indians create, YOU too must be PERFECT, therefore, how can I a lowly warts and all Pakistani take offence from such perfection, all I can say is:


Now, bugger off, and leave us lowly Pakistani fanboy types to our own devices since it can only benefit you if we continue to support such a useless organization.

Muradk Saheb
I remember you sustaining an injury from the wing of F104. But you did not mention your experience of flying it. Could you tell us a few things about the aircraft and its handling and what was good or bad about it?

My two cents on some trivia about the F104: The pilots were required to wear some devices on their flying boots that were connected to clamps on the ejection seat. This was done in order to keep the feet inwards to prevent the feet from being caught during any possible ejection.

These boot devices resembled the spurs that are worn by cowboys to 'manage' their horses.

Some pilots liked the "style" :flame: :flame: these conveyed on them and wore them constantly rather than take them off after flying. These inevitably scratched the wooden floors of the AF messes and led to these spur-wearing F104 pilots to be cordoned off in a area of the mess that prevented the floor damage.:rofl:

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