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  • Dear Mr. A. Rahman,
    can you please upload the following book:
    "Afghanistan - The Bear Trap"
    I saw you already uploaded it in the year 2008, but the link is not valid anymore.
    I am a student from europe and i really need that book! Thank you!
    What will be the Impact on Middle East if USA, Russia, China & India backs Israel

    I opened a thread on World Affairs Please post your comment, It’s Research Journalism
    Dear A Rehman bhai, hope you will be doing good, just inform me of your well being and activities, i dont visit forum too frequent but miss you a lot. Mansoor with regards
    Hello A.Rehman! Thanks for the message.

    It's been a while but I'm glad to see that you're posting again.

    Nice to hear from you AR! Glad to know that everything is all right. Hope to see you active on the boards soon.

    Hey A.R!

    Where are you? Haven't seen you on the boards for a long time now! Everything alright?
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