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  • Here... Edit it out from there post it here
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    Reactions: Arian
    You can't write more than 420 characters here. :/
    It is true.. We can't write more then 420 characters. I will tag you on a sticky thread instead
    Hey, that's auto generated email alias and can't be customized (I'm not completely sure if it's customizable or not ). Since yopmail is sort of an open mailbox, it's recommended to use email alias or anyone who knows your addy will be able to sneak into your inbox. And before we talk on skype, please send me the harsh facts. :D :D :D Write on my wall thingy here once you've sent me a mail.
    unfortunately yopmail doesn't allow sending emails to non-yopmail ids. that's why you'll have to sign up for an account. btw, the signup is pretty simple, just choose your desired username and you're ready to go.
    Hi, how are you doing? Okay. Go to yopmail and sign up for a temporary email account and use it to send me the harsh facts whenever you want. My yopmail addy: paul.brooks-1o11upls@yopmail.com
    Alright then . However , let me tell you this Indians are usually confused between chossing Iran and Israel and that is why most try to walk the thin line of remaining neutral but Indians in the real world will choose Iran over Arabs anyday for obvious reasons . Not saying this to please you but just telling you the facts since i live in this country . But anyway , i get your point , i hope you got mine .
    Personally our enmity saddens me. Hey just had a very good discussion with an iranian lady doctor based in Dubai. Not sucking up but have always liked iranians in real life. my bro's boss in california is iranian too.
    It just seems like that to be honest from your comment in the miss asia-pacific thread and in general it seems that lately Iranian members on the forum are going against India due to Pakistani influence here . Anyway , just a piece of advice , this forum attracts ultra-nationalists and right wing religious people from all countries and they don't represent the larger view of the country . Indians generally have a very positive opinion about Iran and as a friend i will just request you not to form an opinion about India from this forum atleast .
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