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  • Man, how is the weather there in September Octobre? I heared its still managable. Our travel agent said we dont want be in Kakadu NP in November, December. xD
    Kakadu has two seasons. Big Dry and Big wet. Period of transition generally is the best so sep/oct sounds good.
    Buddy, stop debating with our beloved neighbours on Kashmir. It is no more an issue. I think we all Indian members on this forum should make a policy that we will debate with eachother to solve Kashmir issue as it is our internal security matter. We not debate with neighbour on any issue regarding Kashmir.
    Iran is not far away from Syria .
    Iran had Avestan as its Language of Books .
    Avestan is similar to Sanskrit .
    Those words can be loan words from Avestan or Sanskrit itself .
    cultural and geographical India in today's time are same . India and Iran shared proto-Indo-Iranian Language , Now the divide is weather that language flowed out of India or in India .
    Kashmiri Pandit
    Kashmiri Pandit
    As per Linguistics , Proto Indo European Language , From which all Indo European , Indo Iranian , Indo Aryan languages have come is thought to be spoken around 4000 BCE to 2500 BCE .

    I have heard this PIE Language , which is remade by Linguistics . In this language Horse translates to Ghuram . In my Language Horse translates to Ghur ( am is missing ) . But research is still ongoing .
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