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  • Hello, please can you stop getting personal. Stick with the post content, and criticize the points. If you need help. Feel free to PM me.

    What proof do you want?

    I could not understand very well what you wrote in that post, something about beer and cups?

    Thank you for your message.
    And I have send a message to you about something I confused by a report of some indian post. And I hope you can read it.

    You and a few other Chinese members have definitely cross the line when it comes to racism. I routinely get complaints from you guys about Indians calling you chinks and yellow, which I agree is offensive. But then you should also stick to the topic and not go around bringing some statistical IQ report in every other post. ONLY talk about the topic, not about Indian posters here. Only talk about issues related to the forum, not about India's internal social problems.
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