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  • Dear Sir,
    I have applied for ASF inspector post.Can you tell me about the paper pattern ??or some helping material or books from which i can consult??? plz tell me immediately me waiting to your reply:)
    pakomar, I think it was there in the post, but if not than there it is again. You may registar to your nearest Police station and they will take all your details plus your education institution. They may train you in your institution by a two days training program or this maybe held in your nearest Police station.

    Student Task Force to counter terrorism you posted that when the it will start and where to report.
    The important aspect which we deny is the role of Russia in bringing each other (China and India) close. Russia is a fallen bird and is trying to heal up its wings and in this effort she has to become the most centered and important country of Asia. China and India both are allies to Russia and it is unbearable for Russia and her cause if the two giants of Asia get into a clash.

    KIT Over n Out
    I saw your comment here. http://www.defence.pk/forums/china-defence/30411-who-chinas-good-friends-future.html
    India and China hate each other too much.Even their was a war fought between both countries in 1962 in which India defeat.3 thousands killed,3 thousands captured and 1 thousands wounded whereas on other side 722 Chinese killed 2 Captured and 1.5 thousand wounded.For more information watch:
    Like Kashmir India also capture two areas of China due to which both hate each other too much.Therefore India is a enemy of China.Whereas Pakistan is best friend of China.
    Khuda-Hafiz, Allah-Hafiz.
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