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  • Be nafe Iran e ke maa vaght talaf nakonim va hadafdaar kar konim. Begzar baghie ID besazan o vaght talaf konan. Injaa meidune vagheii nist.
    Salaam dadash
    Man ghesmate akharesh ro didam. Ye linke ghadimi ke tohini bud taaze shode bud va chill thread por bud az troll. Avvalesh ro Mithridates behtar midune.
    Kamtar injaa myaam az in be baad.
    chand rooz pish chandta az user haye turk be khater trolling to bakhsh mahvare noor ban shodan. bad cabatli umad to bakhsh xodeshoon goft sar be sare user haye irani bezarid ta asabani beshan o tohin bokonan ta man baneshon konam.
    man ha omadam o be bacheha hoshdar dsadam, ke yeho was omad o thread ro lock kard o baghi majera...
    Fekr konam @mohammad45 balade torkie esanbuli bekhone.
    man khodam chand ta az post ham pak shod. kol forom az dast ina shaki hastan albate be gheir az pakestani ha. behtare in masale haminja tamom beshe.
    bara chi tsmom she? bian began berid sar be sare irania bazarid badesh bian uno alam konan hamin jorie bezanan to sare ma do ta az ma ro ham ban konan badesh velesh konim bere? Agar in mode bakhshe torkie hamchin harfi zade screenshot esh ro bedin daste man ta beram bekhabonam dahane in 40 years old loser.
    Are you using proxy, VPN or some browser with built-in vpn, by chance? Would like you to disconnect the same while on the Forum.
    Salam dadash khoobi?
    Tu in chand ruze net ghat bud, che juri vasl mishodi?
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    Reactions: Cthulhu
    Salam, ba VPS iran mishod vasl shi, vali bad az do rooz dar on ro ham bastan.
    VPS vase kesayi ye ke business online mikonan. Shoma business online mikoni? Manam mikhastam VPS Iran bekharam vali chon hey fekr mikardam farda vasl mishe monsaref shodam
    You got new follower buddy :3 (pls don't consider me as a Zionist freemason jewry that plan to destroy white race and Christianity and Islam)
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    Reactions: Cthulhu
    OK buddy, I would never consider you as a member of International Jewish Freemasonry Circle (IJFC).
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