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  • well if its only age that matters to you then will better end it up here and now!
    by the can i ask why have you not mentioned your DOB in your profile! i hope it is not only to show anyone that who experienced you are!
    and if you like it that way then, Uncle, you better check the thread title! it was Musharraf Ruined the PAF deal. i would have appreciated if the post were relavent to that deal and not to the whole of musharraf,s goods and bads! the relevant thred to discuss the merits nd demerits of his policies can be found in plotics section!

    anyhow i can just hope you got what i want to say! it was nothing to do with your age, here if you want respect you have to earn it by the posts and commens you make and not by age!

    god bless you,
    best wishes,

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