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  • Assalam u alaikum.

    Sir, where are you now a days?
    No posts seen, no moderation,

    wondering, is everything fine going on?
    Just curious.

    sir i request you to change my username to "trojan.exe" since there is already a member named PAKFA
    JazakAllah Khair sir, I enjoyed reading your reply... actually I would have missed it but was looking at my profile and got your message...

    I can certainly agree with all your points... about corruption and being careful to label a whole institution... Also that we need to get certain military help from the likes of America etc... (although there is more detail to this... If Americans can engage in operation paperclip why cant we do such a thing too?)... I think we should already be asking Indian pilots to defect to Pakistan with their SU30s... :)

    Similarly I totally agree that the Army should not be involved in Politics... However the Army's role is a dual edged sword... Firstly Army has political power in Pakistan whether we like it or not i.e it is capable of putting people in power... Secondly the Army is the institution that has to and can protect the state's borders... Sir, we are a gathering of Muslims in Pakistan... and Islam offers a certain system... The differences that you mention within the Caliphate in the past were indeed differences pertaining to the time... the political structure was the same... symbolized by a Caliph based in the centre, governors based in provinces for local administration and other officials... We had an economic system the likes of which the world has never seen before or ever since... Similarly we are still socially adhering to so many of Islam's principles... It is a big discussion and unfortunately I cannot post in that particular section of the forum... I would like to present to you a speech by one of our friends delivered almost two years ago to discuss the problems that we face in Pakistan and how we can bring about change for the better of the people... You sir will remain in our prayers!!!

    Assalam o Alaikum Sir...

    I cannot post in the forum about your comments on the "keeping the army in check" thread as I m not an elite member yet... So am sending this little message in here about that...

    I ll talk about two points only... Politics and War...

    There is nothing wrong with the military to be political... However the kind of politics that happens in our country is poison for the Army without any doubt... Let there be no doubts in your mind sir... The idea that the military is corrupt and has manipulated the domestic situation on occasions for its own interest is not limited to the minds of the "liberals" but it is a common amongst the people of Pakistan... the reason is plain and simple... we have seen what Zias and Musharafs of this nation have done to us...

    My argument for politics would be a puritan argument... Politics is Siyasat in Urdu which is derived from Siyasah in Arabic... Sasa was the title given to the people who used to look after horses in Arabic... This is the root of the word and it makes the meaning of politics as "looking after the affairs of the people"... By this definition, the military has a political role of defence (or offence) for serving the people that it represents... So one cannot remove the military from politics in that sense... It would be in the best interest of the nation though if the military supported a political cause or group that has true vision and a road map to steer the people towards revival and success...

    Sir... the second point about getting weapons from America etc because we need it is a very sad one... Do you not agree that we have capable and talented people amongst us and we can have an independent domestic weapons manufacturing capability... For how long are we going to stay dependent on buying weapons from those who have clear designs against our nation... and give us weapons only when it suits them and give us soy beans when it does not!!!

    I have written about the Caliphate on different sections on the forum... Perhaps it is something that Pakistan Army should consider as a model for reviving our poverty stricken nation... Our military simply needs to assess that it can defend the borders in case of a full scale assault on it by our enemies and then to support the cause of Islam with a clear understanding instead of fraud like that of Zia Ul Haqq's "Islam" or the "Islam" we have in Saudi Arabia or Iran...

    Buhat Dua or Khair

    hi Sir,
    can you please do a favor and merge:


    both these thread started in response to a false news of induction of ZDK-03 into PAF.
    the actual thing is the roll out ceremony of ZDK-03 for PAF. it is being discussed at:

    we must not delete two above mentioned thread as the induction is soon to follow and i guess mergeing them woul do the job.

    thank you!
    salam, sir plz tell about ur introduction and give me about issb call status of GDp131 2010. if u want to personal chat on my ids ,i will b thankful .Thanks
    salam, Sir my issb test date is near for GDp.plz help and chat me on yahoo or google talk.my ids are
    unique.starz20@gmail.com,quick_launch2050@yahoo.com. Thanks
    "Frustrated Strivers" is a repo of my thread in the nat'l affairs section under "Anatomy of a Jihadist". Any chance of a merge? Thanks,

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